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"All right

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"All right. Claire Ivey doesn't get out of bed for anything less than a $5-million payday. The problem is: There are a dozen targets in L.A. this weekend that meet that criteria." Tim says later that day as they're in the briefing room.

"Including the Rothko exhibit at LACMA and the Getty Gala." Grey adds

"Well, that Gala is gonna be crawling with private security." Nolan says

"You know, the chaos of this weekend could just be a cover to hit a traditional target while we're stretched thin." Harper says

"Or she could be trying to hit a private home. I mean, I used to party with kids in high school whose parents had millions in cash and jewelry in their homes." Aaron says

"The challenge is a part of the thrill for her. After all these years, I'd think Claire would want something worthy of her skill -- not just a payday." Kate suggests

"Do we know where she is now?" Lucy asks

"Yeah. Hiding in plain sight. Booked a suite at a hotel in Century City." Tim answers.

"What about her crew? Did we run that list of names Lopez gave us?" Kate asks

"No, we don't have to. Head of security for the hotel is ex-LAPD. We managed to I.D. her crew from the elevator cam."

"Jamie Carr. Evan Rando. Sadi Ling. Allan Gibson. First non-binary person to hack the New York Stock Exchange. Explosives expert -- Learned the demolitions trade from her family business bringing down condemned buildings. Now she blows safes. Gun for hire. Former British SAS turned private contractor. Getaway driver. Was an up and comer on the NASCAR circuit until he failed a string of drug tests. What's the game plan, Sergeant Bradford?" Grey flips through slides of videos showing the crew.

"Well, there's no sense in being covert. She knows we're onto her. So I'd put black and whites on her hotel, and on every person in her crew. Let them see us. Maybe one of them will get cold feet, she'll have to call it off. Nolan, Owens, she's already met you, so park yourselves outside her hotel. Harper, you want in on this?"

"Uh, yeah. But Officer Thorsen isn't ready yet."

"I can handle it, ma'am."

"That is my call, and I say that you can't. So you will be working the front desk for the rest of your shift."

"I can't prove myself to you if I'm not with you."

"You can't get me killed either."

"All right. Let's get back out there." Tim says


"You looking for wallpaper for the baby's room?"

"No, I will once we know the gender tonight. I am trying to figure out where Claire got the dress she was wearing in that surveillance photo. Found it. Ugh, it's so expensive."

Inevitable | T. BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now