Day 28 - What I Can't See

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This one shot is one where Alastor is slowing going blind the longer he stays in his shadows.

In life, I ended up having poor eyesight. When I died, my eyesight was reverted back to that when I was a child. However, The longer I used my powers throughout the years, the more the shadows took over. I never let anyone in on what was happening. They had no reason to Be aware of my business. I tend to keep to myself anyway. It's better this way.

When I started to lose vision in my right eye, I got a monocle. No one noticed anything odd about it. And if they did, I simply said that it was part of my look.

I couldn't figure out why I was still going blind even after I had died. I knew that we stopped aging, but I also knew that we could get hurt. At the same time, we can heal ourselves. So if we were to get hurt, it would just take a few hours today for us to recover. But my blindness did not seem to recover. In fact, it seemed to have gotten worse over time.

I decided to give myself many tests to see how badly my eyesight was deteriorating. There was no consistency. That was until I noticed that my eyesight got worse whenever I used my shadow powers. Whenever I teleported through the shadows, my eyes would be filled with darkness, and that was reflected in my deteriorating eyesight. Sometimes, it would take a moment before I could see any light. I believe while I am strong with my powers, but they are also harming me.

That didn't matter to me. As long as I got the proper prescription for my glasses, I could still see just fine as long as I wore them of course.

I just had to be careful around my new crew. I could not allow for any weakness to be found within me. I am an overlord and someone who helps run this hotel, I cannot show any weakness to the inside or the outside. If I show weakness on the outside, then we will have attacks all day. If I show weakness on the inside of this hotel, I will not hear the end of it from many of the members here.

I decided that I would keep my ever so growing weakness a secret. It was starting to get a little more difficult to keep this secret of hidden.

The other day, Charlie caught me when I didn't have my glasses on and I could barely see something in the distance. I do not recall exactly what I was looking at, all I do remember is that I brushed off her worries and went on about my day. I believe I was watching the other sinners learning how to fight. It was amusing.

It was only after the fight that I realized that I overused my powers. Creating that shield, throwing all those attacks at Adam, taking the hit, and fading into the shadows.

It was all too much for my body. When I was using my powers to recover, I didn't realize how bad things had gotten until I realized I had completely lost vision in my right eye and my left eye was losing sight so much faster. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I had yet to find a cure. I had yet to figure out how to solve my problem and now I was going to have to wear a monocle on the other side. I doubt many people will notice the difference. But those who do will ask questions and then it will quickly spread. I wasn't sure if I wanted that attention. I decided that I would make myself have the bare minimum of interactions.

With the reconstruction of the hotel, I left that to the others and kept the appearances to pretty much once per day.

"Yo, smiles. Do you have a moment?"

"What is it, Angel?"

"Something's off about you."

"I can assure you, everything is perfectly fine with me."

"I think something's off about your vision."

I pause. What could a possibly... "I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean."

"The little Monocle you wear... You swapped it. And lately, I have noticed that you react when someone's on your right side. If you are not aware they are there in the first place. So what's up?"

"It's nothing I can't handle."

"Al, you are losing your vision aren't you? I may not have known much about You, but I know things about overlords. I work for one. I know that when oh Lord's have a certain amount of deals, it puts a strain on their body, and whenever they use their powers, something weakens. And I think for you that's vision. When I thought about it, your powers do revolve around shadows so it could have been obvious." Angel said.

I simply hummed. "And if I was to tell you what was going on, what reason do I even have?"

"Support? The whole point of Charlie's little hotel here is to build relations. Create redemption. I'm just doing what she taught us. Even if you do not wish to talk to me, I'll be here for you and I'll listen. And if you want to figure out this will mess, I'll help you."

"I'll keep that in mind, Angel."

A/N: I completely forgot what I was going to do for this story, so that's why it's not very well thought out. And ridiculously short. I don't really care. I knew I had an idea the day before, but I could not recall what it was today. I might expand on this later and rewrite it differently. But I don't know.



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