Prologue - 1

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"Whether you believe it or not, you are my wife, So keep this in your little mind that I am never going to leave you now." He says it in a deep, harsh voice, looking deeply into her eyes.

" And I will never consider you as my husband. You also keep this in your egoistic mind." She too speaks in her stern voice without breaking eye contact with him.

" what is your problem, why are you so stubborn?" Seeing her anger he calms down his voice.

" You are my problem, your being Mr. Perfectionist is my problem." Saying this, she is about to move away from him but he grabs her wrist and pulls her closer to him in such a way that their chests collide with each other.

" Leave me." She tells him angrily in an attempt to get out of his grip.

" you know no that today is our wedding night and If I want, I can do anything with you, my dear wife." She looks at him angrily at his words.

" Well, then you must know the law, Mr. Lawyer, If you force your wife, what will be your punishment?" She reminds him of the law he has studied, to which he smirk.

" I know all the laws and also know how to avoid the punishment of that law. You won't be able to win against me." He says this while being proud of himself.

" This, this is my problem, you're full of pride. You think you will get whatever you want, no one will be able to defeat you.
But I am not something that you can get." She says.

" Yes I'm full of pride 'cause I worked hard for it, till date I have got everything through my efforts and one day I will get you too." He says, releasing her from his grip and pushing her away from him.

" Do you love me?" He looks at her at her sudden question

" Answer me, why did you marry me, do you love me ?" She again asks.
What he meant by that "one day I will get you too." Does he love her?

" In your delusion." He speaks and goes from there leaving her in the pool of her thoughts.

To be continued...........

After all, what has happened that she hates her husband so much?
Where the whole world is searching for a perfect person, why is she not happy even after getting such a perfect person?

2nd prologue coming soon when I get good response on this part.

Please let me know if you liked this part.

Thank you.

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