6. A chance

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Previous chapter continues........

It was not normal for Avni to be touched by a man and the kiss that Neil gave her on her knuckles, she kept thinking about it all day long as to why he did that.

And then when Neil comes back home in the evening, Avni fighting with her thoughts finally tells Neil that she did not like what he did so from now on he should maintain some distance between them.

This statement of her hurts Neil somewhere because he really wanted to fix his relationship with her. He couldn't understand why she made such a big issue out of a kiss on one hand.
After all why does she dislike him so much and okay if she dislikes him then why did she not refuse to marry him when Shweta and Prakash went to her house with the alliance for their marriage.
And now if they are married then why this anger?
Ok she said that she got married under compulsion....what kind of compulsion must have been there that she had to marry someone whom she disliked so much......He wants answers to all these questions but he also knows that she will not give him any answers.

It has been 4 months since their marriage now...and in these four months Avni has hardly seen any glimpse of Neil in this house.

Everything from their wedding night to that kiss talk hurts Neil in some way and now he tries not to show it in front of her because if he comes in front of her then he will not be able to stop himself from saying something to her.

He doesn't understand why when he doesn't like talking to anyone, then why does he want to keep talking to her but she....?

Well, in these four months, Neil leaves the house in the morning before she wakes up and comes back home late at night when she is asleep.
He spends all his time either in the court or in his office.

Yes, apart from Prakash's office, he has his own office which he built with his hard work.
He does not meet any of his clients at home nor does he discuss any case at home.

Meanwhile, in these 4 months Avni also feels a bit lonely, she spends some time with Abhishek and the rest of the time in her cafe, But when she is alone in her and Neil's room at night, she does not feel good.

She knew that Neil is a very hard working person, he stays very busy, but so busy that he doesn't have time to come home ?
Now, even if she doesn't want to, her mind starts thinking about Neil.

But now she thinks this won't work, she will have to talk to Neil...she feels very lonely in this house. Yes, there is a family here who doesn't hate her like that family of hers but everyone is busy with their own work...she cannot trouble everyone.

If even after marriage she has to feel the same loneliness that she felt before marriage, then what is the benefit of this marriage?
It's been 4 months and they haven't had a proper conversation for even 4 minutes.
She has to do something.
If she has to live alone then why should she remain his wife just in name?

It is evening time and the scene is of Neil's office where he is studying a case...but his work gets interrupted when DD comes there

" Sir here is your file..." DD says while giving Neil his file which he had left at home so he asked DD to get it

Neil takes the file from DD's hand and DD sits in front of him

But seeing him silent like this, DD's talkative nature was getting impatient to speak

" Sir, must say, you are very lucky." Neil doesn't say anything on hearing DD's words but keeps his attention on the file, but DD continues

" You have got such a good wife who cooks so well." Hearing this, Neil looks up at him and after a thought gives DD a look to continue speaking

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