9. He kissed her again

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Next morning

This morning is no less than a pleasant morning for Neil, even after sleeping late at night he wakes up at his regular time which, it's 5 in the morning and since then he's been staring at the sleeping beauty in front of him

Even if he sleeps late, he does not feel sleepy or tired when he wakes up at this time.
The light coming from outside is making the atmosphere of their room more pleasant.
There is a light, soft smile on his face looking at the beauty sleeping in front of him.

Unknowingly yesterday he got to know a lot about Avni which was somehow important for him to know but there are still some things he needs to find out about her and he will do it.

It's a little strange that the one who didn't like to see his face, she herself took the initiative between them yesterday...she said she wants to talk and then their conversation never ended.

He smiles remembering the confused look on her face yesterday after she shared it with him....She must be thinking that how is she sharing everything with him but maybe she doesn't know the fact of psychology that if you talk to someone after 1 o'clock and the other person asks you anything, you cannot lie and that is what he did, he got the chance and seeing that she was in a good mood he asked her all the questions that were in his mind on which she could not lie, and he knows this trick because psychology plays an important role in law studies, sometimes he feels proud of his psychology studies because this gives him the right way to understand people.

But now he doesn't know whether he will find the same Avni after waking up today or not.
Well, she has given their relationship a chance so he will try his best to ensure that she does not regret her decision.

He knows that maybe he is not perfect, but he will become perfect for her because he does not want to free her from himself at any cost.

Looking at her, he is thinking about their conversation last night and suddenly he feels some movement in her and he sees that his eyes are slowly opening, upon which he quickly closes his eyes.

Today is Sunday and he decides that he will not go anywhere today and will stay at home with her.
Yes, this thing can be shocking for her as well as everyone else because for the last 4 months, he has not stayed at home even on a single Sunday.
But it's okay, now he knows that she doesn't think about him the way he was thinking...so whenever he gets a chance, he will spend time with her.

Avni opens her eyes and as she opens her eyes she gets a little suprised that the person who used to wake up before her and she could not even get a glimpse of him, He is still asleep today

But as soon as she sees him, she remembers everything that happened last night and a light smile comes on her face.
He wasn't as bad as she thought him to be

And maybe that's why people say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Yes, this man sleeping in front is a book which has many pages inside it and one will have to give time to read them and she is ready to give it time.
But for now she read the intro of this book that she liked...yes she liked the way he talked to her last night....she felt a sense of belonging, she felt light after sharing everything with him and now as both of them have given a chance to this relationship, she will also try her best to read every page of this book and try to understand him.

And there, Neil who pretends to be asleep and when he doesn't feel any movement of her and feeling a gaze on himself, he smiles mentally.
Madam is staring at him...Well, he knows, he is so handsome, so it is common that if someone looks at him, no one can take their eyes off him

" itna ghoorogi toh main sounga kaise....?" Bringing Avni out of her thoughts, Neil says this to which she flinches slightly and sees him opening his eyes after saying this

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