18. He's happy

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The next morning

After last night's heavy rain, the next morning seems more beautiful than every other day. The sun is trying to reduce the freshness and coolness of this morning with its bright rays.

Meanwhile inside the Khanna house, in Avneil's room, Neil wakes up at his regular time and after that leaving aside all his work, he is just looking at his wife sleeping in his arms, with a smile on his lips.

" I have really waited for this moment Avni, you really don't know how much I love you, Thank you for giving me this moment where I can feel you in my arms...Thank you for giving me all those moments where I am happy, just because of you." He says all these things in his mind while looking at her and then while thinking something he is about to kiss her forehead but suddenly he remembers her words that there will be no kiss between them until he gives up his smoking habit.

He smiles sadly and respecting her words he gives up on the idea of ​​kissing her forehead and just stares at her again.

And he sees that her eyes are opening and he smiles but after thinking something he closes his eyes.

Avni opens her eyes lazily but before opening her eyes fully she takes a deep breath, when that fragrance hits her nostril which she is getting addicted to these days and along with it she also realizes who she is close to right now.

Today she doesn't feel as strange in his arms as she did yesterday, today she doesn't want to get out of his arms like yesterday and in this peace she just wants to stay clinging to him.

And with this thought she tightens her hold on him in an even more cozy way and then she takes a deep breath again and opens her eyes fully and takes her face out of his chest and looks at his face.

Neil, who is awake, starts getting little goosebumps at the slightest movement of her feeling how she is clinging to him because for him too this feeling is new, that someone is coming close to him like this.
Somewhere he still can't believe that this is the same Avni who at one point of time didn't even look at him.

Avni sees him and smiles looking at his sleeping face and without thinking much she directly kisses his forehead, surprising him.

Avni sees him and smiles looking at his sleeping face and without thinking much she directly kisses his forehead, surprising him

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He didn't expect it. Wasn't she the one who said last night that she was kissing him only today, so why this again today...It seems that this girl is really not in her senses, she herself does not know what she is saying and what she wants? He thinks

" My lips are just a few inches away from here, I won't mind if you touch them too." he says making her eyes widen and she's startled to realize he was awake

Feeling embarrassed, she is about to get out of his arms and get off the bed but before she can do something like this, Neil holds her arms and pulls her to lie on the bed again and to ensure that she does not run away, he himself comes on top of her but without putting his any weight on her.

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