8. what does he want to eat ?

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I hope the love you all showered on the previous chapter will continue on this chapter as well.

Expecting some inline comments and not just awesome and amazing and emojis.
If possible, do it otherwise ignore my request.

Chapter start 👇

" So what do you want to eat?" Avni asks Neil.

It is 2 am at this time, both of them were going to sleep after their whole conversation then suddenly Avni remembers that he did not answer her question whether he had had his dinner or not, So she asks again and as he is unable to lie, he starts faltering in answering and Avni understands that he has not had dinner

So she tells him to let's have dinner to which he straight away refuses but then Avni tells him that it is not good to sleep on an empty stomach and then she insists a little more, to which he has to give in and then she pulls him out to the dinner area where she says that she heats the food and serves it to him but Neil says that he does not want to eat the food that is already cooked, on which Avni first gives him a look but then thinks that it is okay, she quickly makes something for him.

And that is why now both of them are standing in the kitchen and Avni asks him what he wants to eat.

" Anything....I like everything." Neil replies to which Avni looks at him

" Still, is there anything special you would like to eat?" she asks again to which Neil smiles slightly.

" If you really want to make something I like, then I like bhindi the most..." he says

" Okay, then you chop the bhindi." On hearing her words Neil mouth opens, he chop it? That is why she asked this.

" Why are you making such a face.... You do half the work...I will do the other half... You chop the bhindi ( ladyfinger ) Till then I will prepare aalu-puri for you...Do you like it?" she says because at this time she cannot make anything better, so she thinks of preparing bhindi and aloo puri which will be made quickly and easily

" Puri? I don't eat oily food?" he says

"You just said you like everything then why these tantrums....?" She says on which he sees her and she speaks further without giving him any chance to speak

" You will not become fat by eating it for one day, I am telling you the truth, it tastes very delicious, try it today..." She says on which he is unable to say anything, she is also right he will not become fat by eating one day

" Okay, make whatever you want." He says and with this both of them start their work.

Neil cuts bhindi and Avni makes dough for puri.
As soon as this work is done, she puts two pans on the stove, in one she cooks bhindi and in the other she makes puri...Neil tries to help her in rolling the puri but Avni can't control her laughter at the design of his rolled out puris, to which Neil pouts...huh at least he tried.

" Don't laugh like that, at least I tried..." says Neil to which Avni suppresses her laughter and then praises him.

Looking at both of them, it did not seem that they were talking so comfortably for the first time.
Seeing both of them together, it seems as if both of them are a comfortable and happy couple.

But right there all this between them sees someone and it is none other than Shweta....because there was no water in the room so Shweta comes to the kitchen to get water but when she sees them both, she stops and hides so that she doesn't ruin their moment.

But at the same time, Shweta is happy to see Avni cooking food for Neil but at the same time she also gets a little sad remembering Neil's words when she asked him to have dinner and he refused, saying that he doesn't need her care and that she doesn't need to stay up late for him.

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