27. Leaving the house

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" Please think once again, What will happen to maa if you leave her, how will she live without you?" Avni says this to Neil

After waking up in the morning, as soon as Neil gets ready after taking a shower, Avni decides to talk to him once about this and says him to change his decision and not for anyone else but only for Shweta.

" What do you mean by how will she live ? She has her whole family, she will be happy." Neil says this shocking Avni,
How can he think like this about Shweta, how can she be happy in this family without her elder son ?

" Why are you saying this, think about Maa once, she will not be able to live without you." Avni tells him again to which he looks at her

" Why do you want me to think about her ?" Neil asks her

"Because she is your mother..." says Avni

" So did my mother think about me years ago? " Neil asks upon which Avni sees him

" I accepts she did a lot for me, endured a lot, which I respect a lot and I will never be able to repay this debt of hers, but, even after all this:
I had told her that I will take care of her, don't get married but she still got married." She sees him on this

" Today she has everything, her entire family, her husband, her son...what do I have?" He asks on which she sees him

" Tell me what do I have ? Aaj yehaan se jaaunga toh mere hisse me maa bhi nahi aayegi..." Avni sees how he is saying these words with a choked throat and holding the tears in his eyes, being strong.

In his last line she is able to feel the pain hidden behind his words and before she can say anything further, Neil continues....

" Answer me...,if I tell her to come with me, will she come?" He asks her, to which she probably knows the answer, yes obviously Shweta will not go with Neil because maybe she won't be able to leave the rest of her family for Neil who is equally important to her.

" I know she won't come, and look, I am telling you clearly that you don't need to think about anyone but still you think my decision is wrong so you stay here, but today I will leave from here whether you come with me or not." he says to which she gets shocked, when did she say that she is not with him ?

" And when did I say I won't go with you, I was just asking you to think over your decision once again, this does not mean that I will leave you. Just like you always say that you are with me, I am also with you, trust me." She says this upon which a teardrop rolls down from his moist eyes involuntarily.
Avni moves her hand towards his face to wipe his tears but he holds her wrist stopping her and hugs her.

" Please, let's go from here, please." he mumbles against her neck to which she does nothing but rubs his back to calm him down.


The family sits at the breakfast table waiting for everyone to arrive as usual, everyone is there except Neil and Avni and their wait ends when Neil reaches there with Avni and their suitcases.

Prakash's heart becomes heavy when he sees them and he realizes that nothing can be done now; Neil did not change his decision.
Meanwhile, Shweta is trying to think of something after seeing them like this.

At the same time, Abhishek too seeing both of them with their bags gets a little confused as to where are they going suddenly but immediately something clicks in his mind.

" No, don't say that, avu....oops sorry, Bhabhi, are you both going on a honeymoon?" Abhishek says excitedly as he gets up from the breakfast table and comes closer to them, Avni looks at him but Neil's eyes are only on Shweta who is looking at him with questioning eyes.

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