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Ever since he was a young kid, Jay had always hated fairy tales. He had always thought that true love was bullshit. He always believed that soulmates were just a romanticized notion propagated by stories and movies. To Jay, life was about practicality and not some fictional concept like love. People are ruthless and are willing to trample over one another without a second thought in pursuit of success. 

Now that Jay was finally in college, his mission was to ensure that he spent the next few years of his life planning out his future. He planned on studying well and making good connections that would help him in the long run. He had strongly decided that he would not waste even a single second on something utterly useless like love.

Well, all his plans came crashing down when he met Jake. 


As Jay entered his dorm on the first day of college, Jay thought he was dreaming. Standing in front of him was the prettiest person he had ever seen. The boy looked up at him and jumped up as he smiled and waved. 

"Hey! I'm Jaeyun, but you can call me Jake. I'm your roommate!" Jay nodded as he responded. "Uhh hey Jake, I'm Jay." Jake nodded as he grinned. "Oh, you know English too? Where are you from? I'm from Australia!"Jay smiled as he looked at the puppy-like guy in front of him who was talking excitedly. He's cute. 

After that day, Jay and Jake immediately became very close friends and spent a lot of time together. Jay soon developed feelings for Jake and tried to spend as much time as he could with the younger. Jay found himself caring a lot about the younger and always went out of his way to help Jake with things. Whenever he was around Jake, he was always happy and could never stop smiling. Is this what love is? 


Jay sighed. He was at the dorm alone as Jake had gone over to their mutual friend Sunghoon's dorm to help him with something. Ugh, I'm so bored. I don't have anything to do. Just as Jay was about to pick up his phone, his phone beeped with a notification.

[unknown number]

unknown number:
hello jay hung!!
this is jungwon :)

hey jungwon

jay changed the contact name to [jake's friend - jungwon]

jake's friend - jungwon:
u said u were willing to hang out sometime
so are u free anytime soon??

actually im completely free rn 
do u wanna hangout rn?

jake's friend - jungwon:
im available too ^^
where do u wanna meet?

uhh there's a cafe nearby 
we could go there?
its not too far away from campus 

jake's friend - jungwon:
okay that sounds good
send me the address and ill be there in 10 mins



Jay quickly drove over to the cafe and walked in. He sat down at a table and went on his phone as he waited for Jungwon. Jungwon soon entered the cafe and his eyes brightened up as soon as he saw Jay. "Jay Hyung! Hi!" Jay smiled as he waved at Jungwon.

"Hey Jungwon. How are you?" Jungwon grinned as he replied, "I'm good! It's great that we're hanging out! I've wanted to be friends with you for a long time!" Jay smiled as he looked at the excited boy in front of him. He looks a lot like a cat right now.

"Oh really? For a minute I thought you didn't like me because of our conversation during lunch the other day." Jungwon gasped as he shook his head. "No! I was just really nervous!" Jay laughed as he saw how Jungwon's face had turned completely red. How cute.

"How about we just forget that and start fresh?" Jay offered. Jungwon nodded eagerly. Jay held out his hand as he smiled, "Hey, I'm Park Jongseong and I'm a fashion major. You can call me Jay Hyung, if you want." Jungwon beamed as he shook Jay's hand. "Hey Jay Hyung, I'm Yang Jungwon. I'm 19 years old and a business major. It's so nice to meet you!" 

The pair continued talking until their food came. Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they talked about their classes, their friends, their likes, and their dislikes. By the time they finished their food, it seemed as if they had known each other forever. He's a cute guy. We clicked instantly and there is no tension or awkwardness between us anymore. I think Yang Jungwon and I are going to become great friends.


short chap haha and its rly boring 😭
but its rly important to the plot and stuff so I promise the next chap will be more interesting :)

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