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Jay did not know what just happened. They had just gotten off the plane and Jay was still unable to comprehend what had just happened. Did I just almost kiss Jungwon? Don't I like Jake? Why was my heart racing like that when Jungwon got near me? I have never felt like that before... What's wrong with me? 

The group had just gotten off the plane and were waiting for Jake and Sunghoon who had magically disappeared. "Where are they? Does anyone know where Jake and Sunghoon are?" Heeseung asked as he tapped his feet impatiently. Niki nodded as he said, "Yeah, I saw them talking to someone near the entrance of the airport. Let's just wait for a few minutes." 

The rest of the group agreed as they continued chatting with one another while Jay and Jungwon awkwardly stood as far away from each other as they could as they tried to avoid eye contact. Jay's mind was a whirlwind of confusion. He couldn't shake the image of Jungwon's face so close to his, the way his breath had hitched, and the way his heart had pounded so fiercely that it felt like it might burst. 

Why can't I stop replaying that moment in my head? Jungwon's large eyes shining at me while his lips curved into a hesitant smile. Oh my God, why are his lips so pretty? And why was that awkward smile so cute? Oh My God, what is wrong with me?

Just then, Jake and Sunghoon appeared. Sunghoon was holding Jake's hand and had his other arm around Jake's shoulder but Jay didn't feel the usual jealous pang that he always felt in his chest when he saw them together. The group greeted them as Sunoo asked, "Where were you?" In response, Sunghoon simply shrugged as he said, "Oh, we saw a few people we knew so we were just chatting with them." 


The group started walking towards the exit, and Jay fell in step beside Jake. As they walked, Jay tried to act normal, but his mind was still racing. He looked over at Jungwon, who was talking to Heeseung and laughing at something he said. Jay felt a pang of jealousy, which confused him even more. Why do I feel jealous when I see Heeseung and Jungwon together, but not when I see Jake and Sunghoon together? Don't I like Jake?

"Are you okay, Jay? You seem a bit out of it." Jake asked softly, noticing his distraction. "Yeah, just tired," Jay lied, forcing a smile. Jake looked at Jay skeptically but nodded as he moved away, understanding that Jay needed space. 


The group got into the van that was waiting for them. The drive to their hotel was filled with chatter and laughter from everyone except Jay. Jay tried to focus on looking out of the window but his thoughts kept drifting back to Jungwon. 

His eyes kept darting to Jungwon, who seemed completely oblivious to the looks Jay was giving him. He was happily chatting with the others and he was loudly giggling about something Heeseung was telling him. Jungwon's laughter made Jay's chest tighten. He seems completely fine. He doesn't seem even a bit affected by our almost kiss. Am I overthinking things?


As the group arrived at their destination, Sunoo took charge, assigning rooms. "Okay, here's what we are gonna do," Sunoo said as he walked to the middle of the living room. "We're going to pick chits to figure out our roommates. That sounds fun, doesn't it?" The others nodded. Please let me get anyone but Jungwon. 

Once the chits were made, everybody started picking chits. Jay opened the chit and stared in horror at the name on the chit. Oh great, I got the one person I was trying to avoid. I actually have the worst luck ever. "I got Jungwon" Jay announced and glanced up at Jungwon who gave him a quick, unreadable look before nodding. This is going to be torture.

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