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Jungwon and Jay entered the plane without saying a word to each other. Jay had his earphones in and was listening to music, whereas Jungwon was just quietly staring out of the window while contemplating whether he should confront Jay. Okay, Jungwon you can do it! All you need to do is start a conversation with Jay Hyung and casually bring up his possible crush on Jake Hyung. It can't be that hard, right?

About fifteen minutes into the plane ride, Jungwon slowly turned to Jay and he hesitantly asked, "Jay Hyung, are you okay?" Jay looked up at Jungwon in surprise to see Jungwon worriedly looking at him.

Jay nodded as he replied, "Yeah, why do you ask?" Jungwon just shrugged in response. "You just don't seem like yourself today. You're weirdly quiet. Did something happen?" Jay just shook his head and went back to his phone. Jungwon sighed as he stared out of the window in frustration. Ugh, he's not going to tell me about what happened, is he?

Screw it, I'll just confront him about his crush. If I'm wrong then I'll deal with the consequences of my actions later. Jungwon turned back to Jay as he confidently said, "Hyung, I know about your crush on Jake Hyung." Wait, am I wrong? Does Jay Hyung not have a crush on Jake Hyung? Jay froze as he stared at Jungwon with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. After a few seconds, he collected himself enough to stammer out, "What? I don't know what you're talking about.." Aaah, never mind I was right. Judging by his reaction, he definitely has a crush on Jake Hyung.

Jungwon narrowed his eyes as he maintained eye contact with Jay. "Hyung, I don't know who you're trying to lie to. I've seen the way you look at him, it's obvious that you like him." Jay looked down, avoiding eye contact as he whispered, "Please don't tell him." Jungwon sighed as he nodded.

"Don't worry, Hyung. Your secret is safe with me." Jungwon assured him, his tone softening. "But, I don't know if Jake Hyung feels the same. I think he likes Sunghoon Hyung." Jungwon said hesitantly. I need to tell Jay Hyung what I think so he doesn't get hurt in the future. Jay's face fell as his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I know," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Jungwon's heart ached seeing Jay like this. Despite his own feelings for Jay, he hated seeing him in pain. "You'll be okay, Hyung," Jungwon said softly. "It's better to know now than to keep hoping for something that won't happen."

Jay mustered a weak smile as he said, "I know he's never going to like me. He and Sunghoon were always meant to be together. But, I don't know what to do. I want him, but I also want to get over him, and neither of those things are happening right now."

Jungwon took a deep breath, unsure of how to comfort his friend in this moment of vulnerability. "Hyung, it's not easy, but you deserve someone who will love you back just as much as you love them. You shouldn't have to settle for less."

Jay shook his head as he looked down, "No, I think that I just need to accept the fact that I'm just not the kind of guy who people can fall in love with. I just need to realize that nobody is ever going to fall for me." But, I fell for you. I'd be yours, only if you asked. 

Jungwon shook his head. "That is not true. You are one of the sweetest people I know. You are handsome, funny, kind, and considerate. Whoever ends up with you in the future is going to be a very lucky person." Jay sighed as he said, "Thanks, but I know you're just saying that."

Jungwon sighed in frustration. Why can't he see how amazing he is? Jungwon glared at Jay as he said, "Look here, Park Jongseong. You are one of the best people I know and if you really do believe that nobody will ever fall in love with you, then you are way more stupid than I thought you were." 

Jay stared at Jungwon stunned as Jungwon continued speaking, "Now, you need to man up and realize that just because Jake Hyung doesn't like you doesn't mean that nobody else ever will. You just need to find the right one for you." Like me. 

Jungwon continued, "One day you will find someone who chooses you and continues to choose you every day, and that's when you'll be thankful everything happened the way that it did."

Jungwon looked at Jay as he sincerely said, "So stop chasing the wrong person." Jay blinked as he moved closer to Jungwon. "But, how do I know if I've found the right person?" Jungwon moved closer as he stared into Jay's brown eyes as he said, "The right one won't run away." 

The two of them stared at each other in silence. Jungwon was so close to Jay that he could see every tiny detail of Jay's face. Jungwon stared at Jay without blinking as he tried to memorize every aspect of Jay's face. His heart raced as he stared at Jay who moved one step closer, their faces now just inches apart.

Jay's eyes softened as he stared at Jungwon and just as he was about to do something, they were interrupted by an announcement from the pilot saying that they had landed. Immediately, they both jumped back, startled, their faces flushed. As they looked up at each other in surprise, only one thought crossed Jungwon's mind. Did Jay Hyung and I almost kiss?


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