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It was their last day in Jeju and Jungwon really wanted to spend the day at the beach. But not really wanting to go alone, Jungwon dragged Heeseung along with him. "I still don't see why I have to come with you. I really want to play video games right now." Heeseung whined as he walked with Jungwon.

Jungwon rolled his eyes. "We don't come to Jeju often and you can play video games anytime, so stop sulking. You need more sunlight anyway, you vampire. You really need to get out of your house often before you shrivel up and die." 

Heeseung opened his mouth to respond but before he could, Jungwon ran onto the beach and all Heeseung could do was follow. "Hey, slow down! Where are you even going, you little shit?" Heeseung loudly called as he ran after Jungwon. 


A few minutes, later they reached the beach and got into the water. Jungwon giggled as he and Heeseung splashed each other with water. After a while, they ended up getting tired and went to sit down for a while. Heeseung sighed as he lay down next to Jungwon. 

"You know I missed this? Us hanging out. It's like I never see you these days, Won. What's up with you?" Jungwon just shrugged. "Nothing much, classes have been keeping me busy. I'm starting a job at a cafe soon. You know I need to pay Grandma back, she spent all her savings so I could study." Heeseung nodded understandingly. 

"How is your grandma by the way? Is she doing better?" Jungwon shrugged. "Not really, she's getting worse. On good days, she can recognize me. But usually, she doesn't even know who I am." But maybe that's a good thing. At least, she doesn't have to witness what a failure I'm becoming.

Heeseung moved closer and held Jungwon's hand. He didn't say anything meaningless to make Jungwon feel better, which Jungwon appreciated. Instead, he just sat there and held Jungwon's hand to let Jungwon know that he was there. 

The two of them slowly got up as Heeseung quietly said, "Hey, you know I'm always here for you right?" Jungwon smiled softly as he hugged Heeseung. "I know, you big softie." 

Jungwon clung to Heeseung's arm as they both slowly made their way back to the house while yapping about Heeseung's nonexistent love life. For someone as handsome as Heeseung Hyung, I'm surprised he doesn't pull anyone. 

"Hey! Stop calling my love life non-existent! I'll be pleased to let you know that I pull a lot of people on a daily basis!" Jungwon rolled his eyes as he sarcastically responded, "Sure Hyung, I definitely believe that." 


When the pair entered the house, they were surprised to see it was so quiet. "Where is everyone?" Heeseung asked as they walked in. Jungwon shrugged in response. "I don't know. I know Sunoo won't be home because he's gone to meet some family. Don't know about the others though."

Heeseung went around the house to check if anyone was home and noticed that Jake and Niki were in Sunoo's room. "Jake and Niki are in Niki's room. It's empty anyway as Sunoo isn't here right now. But, they seem to be having a pretty intense conversation so I don't think we should disturb them." 

Jungwon nodded as he speculated, "Sunghoon and Jay Hyung are probably out doing something together. They'll be back soon I suppose." Heeseung nodded as he brought out a packet of ramen. "I'm starving. Let's make some ramen." Jungwon immediately nodded in agreement and the two soon had two bowls of ramen ready.


They sat down on the couch as they started eating. After a few minutes of eating, Heeseung asked, "By the way, how's it going with your ginormous crush on Jay? Have you made a move yet?" Jungwon sighed as he shook his head. "No, I haven't. And I don't think I can. He likes someone else. I don't think I even have a shot."

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