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Jay had just woken up and realized that they currently had no food in his dorm. "Jake! We forgot to buy groceries! The only thing we have is mint chocolate ice cream which just magically appeared in our fridge one night!" 

When he didn't get a response, Jay walked over to Jake's door and saw that the room was empty. Oh right, Jake has a class right now. Okay, then I guess I will have to go grocery shopping on my own.


Jay quickly got ready and walked over to the grocery store while listening to music. As he entered the shop, he suddenly saw a familiar face. "Jungwon? Hey! What a coincidence! Are you grocery shopping too?" 

Jungwon turned and his face immediately lit up as he saw Jay. "Hey, Jay Hyung! Uhh no, I'm not. I'm buying Sunoo mint-choco ice cream as an apology for locking him out of our dorm the other night. If I don't buy him ice cream then he will sulk and whine until he drives me crazy." Jungwon said as he rolled his eyes. 

Jay laughed as Jungwon sighed as he continued, "But, they have run out of stock over here so now, I have to go to another store to buy it." Jay chuckled as he suddenly thought of something. 

"Wait! We have some mint chocolate ice cream in our dorm for some reason. Jake and I hate mint choco ice cream so it is untouched in our fridge. You can have it if you want."

Jungwon gasped relieved as he asked, "Are you sure?" Jay nodded immediately. "Yeah, if you don't take it, we're probably just gonna throw it out anyway. So wanna go over to my dorm and take it now?" Jungwon nodded immediately as they both walked over to Jay's dorm while chatting. 


Jay quickly unlocked the door and walked straight into the kitchen. He opened the freezer and immediately brought out the mint chocolate ice cream. "Here you go!" Jay said as he quickly kept the ice cream on the table. Jungwon immediately thanked Jay as he placed the ice cream in his bag. "Thank you, Hyung! Sunoo's going to be really happy!"

As they were both free, they decided to hang out. But, when they were heading out the door, Jay's phone suddenly started ringing. He looked at his phone and saw that Jake was calling him. As he picked up the call and listened to the voice on the line, Jay's eyebrows slowly furrowed and his eyes filled with worry. Why does he sound like he's crying? 

"Of course. Give me ten minutes, I'll be right there." Jay quickly ended the call and looked at Jungwon apologetically. "I'm really sorry Jungwon. Something happened and Jake needs me to pick him up. I won't be able to hang out right now, I'm sorry."

Jungwon shrugged lightly as he nodded. "Yeah, that's okay. Can I come and help you get Jake Hyung?" Jay nodded without properly comprehending what Jungwon said because his mind was so full of worry about Jake. 

They quickly got into Jay's car and immediately drove over to Jake's location. Jay glanced at the time and quickly tapped his feet as he tried to reach Jake as fast as possible. He saw Jungwon shooting him worried looks but he ignored it as he tried to focus on his driving. 


Jay quickly reached his destination and saw Jake sitting near the school gates. Jake saw the car approach and silently walked over to the car. He got into the back seat of the car without saying anything. Why does he look so upset? "Are you okay, Jake Hyung?" Jungwon asked softly as he looked over worried at his friend.

Jake seemed so lost that only then did he notice that Jungwon was in the car. Jake nodded and quietly responded saying, "Yeah, I'm fine. Something just happened and I couldn't go to class for the rest of the day. Thanks for picking me up, Jay."

Jay constantly kept shooting worried glances at Jake through the rearview mirror. He looks really upset and he has tear stains on his face. Why did he cry? Who made him cry? Do I need to beat someone up for him? As they reached the dorm, Jake slowly got out and made his way to his room. 


After he parked his car, Jay looked over at Jungwon. "Hey Jungwon, I don't think I will be able to hang out today." Jungwon, ever so understanding, nodded immediately. "Of course hyung. Go help Jake Hyung. I'll find my way back home." Saying this, Jungwon smiled and left the dorm.

Once Jungwon left, Jay made his way over to Jake's room and softly knocked on the door. Hearing no response, he poked his head inside. "Hey, I told Jungwon to leave. Now did not seem like the right time to have guests."

Jake looked up at him with tear-filled eyes as he said, "I'm so sorry I ruined your plans with Jungwon." Jay looked up at him and frowned. "Oh no, honey. Of course, you didn't ruin any plans I had. Your mental health matters more than any plans I had. You don't have to, but it might help if you tell me what happened." 

Jay waited until Jake acknowledged what he just said and began speaking. "So, I think I like somebody." Jay's heart dropped. I don't why I'm so surprised. I already know, don't I? He likes Sunghoon, doesn't he? Seeing that Jake had stopped speaking, Jay urged Jake to continue speaking. "But, the problem is that the person I like, no, love is Sunghoon." Oh. I was right. Why does it hurt so much to be right?

"Well, I think you are officially the last person to realize, except maybe Sunghoon. You're not too discrete, you know?"Jay paused for a second before he continued, "I'm more surprised that you were able to finally realize your true feelings." I always knew that he liked Sunghoon, I just tried to ignore it. He likes Sunghoon. No, he doesn't just like Sunghoon. He's in love with him. 

Jake looked at him, confused. "Well, he's head-over-heels for Sunoo. He's never gonna like me." Jay raised his eyebrows. Well, one thing I do know for sure is that Sunghoon is definitely in love with Jake. But, I'm not sure Sunghoon knows that yet. "You sure about that, Jakey?" Jake nodded. "Yeah?" Jay shrugged. "Well, don't be. Things are not always what they seem." Jake rolled his eyes. "Okay, Jongseong. I'm not in the mood for this philosophical bullshit that is spewing out of your mouth right now."

Jay laughed. "Okay, somebody is in a feisty mood. So, what are you gonna do?" Jake groaned. "I don't know! If I confess, I might mess things up and I can physically not live without Sunghoon. Our friendship is too important to me." Jay nodded. I really want to tell him to not confess and just stay silent about it to Sunghoon. But, I can't do that. I can't be so selfish. "You need to trust your gut, Jake. Follow your instincts. If your heart tells you to confess, then do it."

Jake nodded. "Thanks Jongseong. You're always my number one. You know you're one of my best friends, right?" Jay nodded, with a slightly pained smile. "Yeah, I know." But, I don't think that's enough for me anymore. Jake's eyes suddenly brightened as he said, "Also, Sunghoon said he was jealous of Heeseung."

Jay gasped. "What? No way! I did not know he was that forthright. Okay, I need to know everything. Start your story from the beginning, please. Do not miss even a single detail." I don't really want to hear this because it hurts. But, I am truly happy for him.

I can't even be jealous of them because Sunghoon and Jake are meant for each other. They are like 2 puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. And when they are together, there is never any room for me. I'm so stupid for thinking I had a chance. 


finally updated!
sorry for the rly late update but I've been quite busy lately
but u can expect more frequent updates now bcos my schedule has cleared up
hope u liked the chapter

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