"Ahh, son of a bitch. To bright.. to fucking bright." I groaned once I woke and tried to open my eyes.

Normally, I'm awake before the sun even comes up. What with work hours and my general body clock getting me up early.

I tried to sit myself up.

"Fuck." My head hurt. I'm looking for my phone on my nightstand to see the time but it's not there.. "Where the fuck did I put that." Seconds later, Remembering I gave it to nari to put in her bag to keep safe last night.

There was a glass of water and some pills that had been left for me to take.

Immediately grabbing them and swallowing them down.

I decided to drag my ass out of bed. I needed a shower before I faced the day.. Once I stepped out and my feet hit the floor, I got a smell I knew all too well.. yoongi.

He was here.

I remember him being here..

I remember seeing his pale milky skin. "Shirt," I suddenly shouted to no one. He stripped and gave me his shirt..

Grabbing the shirt and bringing it up to my nose. Inhaling.. then exhaling.

I remember knocking hana on her ass.. yoongi dragging my ass out of the club over his shoulder..

"He spanked my ass and called me brat." I whispered to myself.. "Oh god." I groaned..

'He actually touched my arse. That was new. He never did anything like before.'

Yoongi was always mindful of where he touched. He was always careful when hugs were involved, and he placed his hands. Even his kisses were all forehead or top of the head kisses.

Then we got in the car. Why can't I remember anything between the car and getting home except yoongi being shirtless..

"Why can I remember only that part... wait, I can't even remember putting the t-shirt on myself.. we didn't even drink that much. Shit, did I strip in front of yoongi so he quickly removed his to cover me.. all I remember is his pale milky skin.. wait, there was abs.. I remember there was abs. Did we talk.. why did I invite him in.. oh god." My head hurt. There were too many missing parts..

'Nari.' I thought 'she may be able to fill in some blanks'

I went and grabbed my clothes. i was changing into a placed them on my bed.

Heading to the bathroom and pushing open the door, I saw my clothes chucked over the bathroom floor..

"Oh god," realising I must have showered or must have attempted to. "Did I go out to yoongi naked.. no, I must have had a towel around me. Why would I do that?"

I switched on the shower. Stripping out of the clothes I was in,

"Wait, if I have his shirt, what was he wearing.. is he still here?" There was only one shirt that would fit him. I quickly  checked my drawer, and it had gone.

I jumped in the shower, making it quick as I still didn't know what time it was.

I knew nari was leaving at about 3 pm, and I still had to run back to bighit to grab the stuff we left last night.

Once, I was showered, teeth brushed, dressed, and hair dried. I knew I had to step out of my room and see if nari was up and also see if yoongi was here still.

Opening the door just slightly to peep into the living room to see if he was asleep on the couch like he always used to.

Nope, the couch was empty. I could hear movement in the kitchen, though, further to the right.

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