14 1 2

I made it to mums and kwans earlier than I expected. In fact, I spent the majority of the day there.

I didn't want to be alone.

I still haven't heard anything from namjoon.

I wasn't going to contact him first. I never did anything wrong it was him that lost it.

I still can't figure out why a simple conversation went of the rails.

All I wanted to know is what I should do regarding yoongi. Hear him out or not.

But the way namjoon was acting. It really sounded like he was in a relationship with me.

I know it needs sorting between us.

But I know if I choose to listen to yoongis' explanation. I know I'll lose namjoon, possibly as a friend.

When we got into this, we both agreed this was fake. I said I didn't want to hurt him. He agreed I wouldn't because there were no feelings involved.

But after the other night, I have a feeling there is more to this for him. 

I spent the day with mum shopping as kwan said, "Go and have girl time."

So that's exactly what we did.

While I was out in the cafe with mum, I received a message.

Only the notification tone wasn't the one I wanted to hear.

Ahh, spending time with mum, enjoy it while you can.

I quickly glanced around, but I couldn't see anyone that I instantly recognised.

But I knew they were following me and were somewhere close to see me.

"You OK, bella?" Mum asked, noticing my shift.

Snapping my attention towards her.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm fine." I lied as best as I could because mum could read me like a book.

I never heard from them again after that.

We got back to the house a little after 4 pm. We had both shopped till we dropped.

Mum said she was ready for a nice meal prepared by kwan and a nice glass of wine.

I couldn't disagree with her on that because it did sound lovely.

The Mins were arriving about 6 pm, so I headed to my old room that never changed in the last 3 years since I left. The only difference was less of my stuff here as I had it back at my apartment.

I chilled out on the bed, watching TV, or it was more background noise as I flicked through my phone.

Many of these photos held a lot of memories that I didn't dare delete.

Family back in the uk while I was over there. Mum and kwan and also me and yoongi. Before everything happened between us. And just looking at the photos, you would say we were happy together.

And a lot of photos of hair and make-up and certain places I've been since I've been back.

Before I knew it, the doorbell was going, which indicated the Mins had arrived.

So I got up off my bed, switched off the tv, and placed my phone in my back pocket. I made sure I was presentable what with being out shopping and also lounging about on my bed.

By the time I arrived downstairs, Mr and Mrs Min were already seated.

I walked towards them as soon as they spotted me they were off the chair, and as soon as I got closer, Mrs Min pulled me into a hug.

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