"Bella, bella, can you hear me?" I felt someone press their hand against my forehead, making me stir. Slightly and groan out. My head felt like It was being hit with a hammer over and over again.

I felt them place their hand against my arm. Then they were talking to someone.

"Yeah, we need a doctor." There was no 2nd voice, so I presume they were on the phone.

Suddenly, I felt the urge to vomit again, so I dragged myself back up over the toilet bowl, bringing up bile as my stomach was empty.

"Actually. I'm taking her to the nearest hospital. Something isn't right."

I felt myself being lifted into someone's arms. But then I passed out again.

As I came around, i could hear a steady beep. There was no other noise in the room. I slowly opened my eyes, and the room was bright. It was daytime, looking around the room. I could tell I was no longer in my hotel room.

There was a person sitting in the chair to my right typing away on his phone. "Sir."

Immediately putting his phone away, he was up and next to my bedside. Pressing the call button for the nurse. "Bella, you gave us quite the scare, sweetheart."

"What happened?" I asked. "I vaguely remember not feeling well last night."

"Last night? You told me you didn't feel well yesterday morning."

"I know, about that. Ermm, you see th-" I got cut off with the sound of the door being knocked on.

A doctor walked in. "Miss Evans, im doctor Tan, I've been taking care of you this morning. How are you feeling?" He spoke in English

"Better than I was. What happened?"

"Well, I was hoping you could tell us what happened?" I can tell you that your body reached its limits with exhaustion."

I looked over to manager sejin, then back to the doctor.

"I've not been sleeping well for a while. Had a lot on my mind." Which was true.

"OK, work stress?" The doctor asked, then looked over to manager sejin.

"No, Err, men, actually." Only giving him a small specific not the full truth. "I do work with them, but the rest of the team is great." No sure how much I could actually say to the doctor. I don't even know if he knows who sejin is and who he works on behalf of.

"OK, care to explain exactly how you felt yesterday before your arrival here?" He asked. "I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this, and if you need help, but then you can go home.

"Wait?" I looked at sejin. "The show, you need to be at the show, sir."

"It's ok, Bella, that not for a few hours yet, and nothing is happening except checks and them getting ready."


"You are more important at the minute, Bella, as you're not here with any family. I'm down as your caregiver while you are at the company. So you're not out here alone wondering what will happen to you. It's ok, you can explain about yesterday. We need to fly back out tomorrow, and if you're not well enough, I need someone to sort everything out."

I looked back at the doctor. "Before we came here. I've been going through something with these guys I was on about. My boyfriend." I looked at sejin, who gave me a nod. He knew, of course he did. "Well, actually, ex-boyfriend now, we fell out over something regarding the other guy, who i told to leave me alone. I tried for a few days to talk to my boyfriend with no luck, so on the flight over, I saw an opportunity to talk to him, and he wouldn't listen and broke up with me. I err didn't sleep much that night because I didn't know what to do. I just felt I was coming in between these 2 guys' friendship, one who broke up with me and one whom I had to tell to back off. So I went to the manager sejin here." I pointed over towards him. "To ask if he could get me another job at another company so I would be out the way and not cause anymore problems. I got up yesterday, and my stomach was in knots knowing I had to work on this guy and be in the same room as my ex, so I couldn't eat anything. I got to work, and my ex had a go at me because I asked if someone would cover the guy for me so I didn't have to work on him, I couldn't face it yet. He dragged me over to the guy and shouted at my colleagues, who only wanted to help me. He told me to do the job I'm paid for, and if I can't do it, then get out, and they will find someone who can. I was actually on my way to walk out when manager sejin came in and called me and the head of my team over to let me know I got the job, and I didn't want to just leave the site, I lied to manager sejin, saying I wasn't well. He got me a lift back to the hotel, and I stayed in my room the rest of the day. It wasn't till last night when I started to feel sickly. I realised I'd not eaten all day thinking it was hunger. I went to the restaurant to eat something light to not overdo it, hoping it would take off the queasiness, but i felt worse. My head started to pound, and I felt extremely tired, I lay down on the bed, and five minutes later, I was over the toilet, emptying my stomach, then I couldn't remember anything. Until someone was trying to get me up and I was sick again, then I passed out again, and then I woke up here."

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