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When you were alive, you were saint and never disloyal. You also got married to a man named Alastor, he was a radio broadcast host and such a gentleman, but your were murdered... you were brutally taken from your husband. You don't know where he is now, he should have died already, no offense, but it been years since you were alive so it's the only logical explanation... he may have gone to hell but for what reason? At least your with your mother-in-law, Alastor's mother, her nickname is 'Mama Al' but you just call her mum. She's such sweetheart, she has been there for me anytime I'm down, we both still wonder where Alastor went and refuse to believe he's in hell when anyone tells us otherwise, he couldn't be a sinner... could he?

As I walked down the streets of where I live you stopped in the middle of my walk to hear a buzz on your phone, I pull out my phone only to be greeted by a text from my mother-in-law. I opened up the text and read it to see what mum sent you, "Can you pick up some groceries for our dinner tonight, dear?" I smiled at the text. "Ofc! What do you need? :)" I responded her text with. "I need some chicken, onions and some green bell peppers for jambalaya tonight." She texted me back. "Sure thing! I'll come to your house once I got it mum." I texted her before turning off my phone to put it back on my pocket.

I walked over to the local grocery. As I arrived at the door, I entered through it. I take a deep breath in, smelling all fresh groceries that just been laid out. "4You4Me4Us" was the name of the store I just entered into.

I walked down the aisles looking for the ingredients that mum asked me to get. "Ah! There's the green bell peppers!" I sighed in relief as I grabbed the green bell peppers the last on the list because I already grabbed the other two things mum wanted me to get. I walked other to the checkout to pay for my items I grabbed. "That'll be $25.53 dollars, but I can give a discount for you sweetheart~" The cashier flirted with me as they leaned on the counter cupping their cheeks with their hands, I was uncomfortable by this move. "Haha! No thanks I'm good..." I laughed nervously. "You're lost sweet cheeks~" The cashier winked at me before taking my money. "Have a wonderful rest of your day babe~" The cashier waved goodbye to me as I left. I sighed in relief as I finally got out of that situation. I headed to mum's place with the groceries in my arms.

As I walked towards mum's house with the groceries she asked for, I suddenly got interrupted by some of the higher level's guards. "You're coming with us ma'am." The guards surrounding me, making me trapped. "For what reason, may I ask?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "You have committed attempted murder towards a innocent cashier, and that is by far past the law of heaven." The guards sternly with their cold gloves gripping on my wrists. "B-but I didn't do anything to that cashier!" I stuttered out of my mouth as I felt tears forming in my eyes. "No time for lying, we're taking you to Sera." They snarled at me. "Please don't! I'm innocent I swear!" I cried to them, but they just ignored me.

[Time Skip]

"No! Please I beg of you! I'm telling the truth, just listen please!" I cried to them, but they already made up their mind, lies blinded them and those filthy lies are making me the villain. They ignored my cries and they pushed me down to hell...

I screamed as I fell, I tried to fly but the winds force was to strong for me to even open my wings. Tears fell down with me and even more as I kept crying from the tragic turn of events.

BOOM! I crash landed into the grounds of hell, the crash landing badly injured my wings. My tears kept flowing down my eyes. I took a look of my surrounding to see different kind of demons staring at me, some of them looked like they wanted to rip my wings off to keep for themselves. "Come here angel angel~" One of the demons spoke up, trying to lure me to them, they looked like a shark hybrid. "NO SHE'S MINE, FUCK OFF!" Another demon yelled at the shark hybrid, they looked like a goat hybrid? "NO SHE'S MINE! SHE'LL MAKE A PERFECT FUCK TOY FOR ME!" Another demon shouted as they stepped towards me, they looked like a hound dog hybrid?... They all started arguing at each other. They pulled out their weapons and started killing each other... So this is what hell was like... I took my chance to run away as fast as I can away from the scene. They didn't even noticed, blinded by their own rage.

I ran to an empty alley way, I took my time to catch my breath. Everything was so chaotic and filthy I guess this is my new life... I really wish mum was here to help me... god I even wonder how she'll take the news... I sat down next to a dumpster hugging my knees, and then sobbed into my knees, this was too much... I'm innocent... why?...

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