ʚWhere is she?ɞ

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(1036 Words)

"Weird, but ok..." Angel mumbled to himself. "Food's here!" He presents the food in a bag he's holding with his bottom pair. The sound of his voice caused me to look to his direction. He places the food on the coffee table in front of me on the couch.

"It looks so delicious!" My eyes fill up with excitement. Alastor chuckles by the way I look.

"Eat up toots! Before it gets cold," Angel chuckles before he took a seat back onto the couch.

I kneeled down to the table's height. I grabbed the burger and stuffed my cheeks up with a bite.

"It's a bit.." I swallowed down the food in my mouth. "H-hwat!" I slammed the burger back down. I fanned my mouth down with my hands.

"Oops... Sorry, I forgot to tell you the burger comes with spicy cheese," Angel chuckled while scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I gotta go!" I ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me in a rush. I turned the tap on. The sound of the water running sound reflected on the tiles. I shoved my mouth under the tap. "Ahh.." I sighed in relief. It was mumbled by the water cooling down my mouth.

"AH-!" A yelp filled my mouth as I felt a rag covering my nose and mouth. My posture jerked straight up. My body meeting with another. I tried to scream, but it all got muffled by the person behind me. My vision became wary. Everything around me was turning black. Then, I suddenly closed my eyes. I couldn't feel anything... All black...

"I got the angel, boss.." 

My eyes slowly open up. Everything was still blurry, but what... this isn't the hotel...

"Looks like the doll's awake," A voice chuckled.

My eyes opened wider as I saw a... tv man?...

"W-where am I!" I snarled at the tv.

"Woah, slow down princess~. I won't harm you. yet," He chuckled. "I can see why Alastor likes you so much. You're such an eye sore~." His hands gripped onto my chin. His smirk had a hint of seduction.

"Hey! You didn't answer my question flat head!" I spat at him.

"Well, you're at the one and only vee tower." His hands left my chin to present the room I'm in.

I tried to get up, but felt something holding me down.

"Not so quick doll. I don't want you leaving me just yet~" He bent down to my face from his waist.

I observed my surrounding. I see myself tied up to a vivid sky blue cushioned chair with firm blck modern rope.

"I want to ask you some questions." His smirk right in my face.

"And what are the questions?" My tone left off cold.

"What's the relationship Alastor? From what I seen so far is that you two seem very close~" His breath brushing down my face. He was way too close.

"Why do you care?" I bared my teeth at him.

"Because he's competition to me. My rival." His smirk faded. "So, when he finds out I took something from him. Oh... I crave for the reaction on his face." His smirk returning quickly back to his face.

"Do.. you like him?" I smirked at him as I noticed him having a faint blush on his face from the mention of Alastor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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