ʚThe Sins Behind Purely Gatesɞ

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"She's an exorcist!" She snaps at Alastor, having her spear at my chest still. "Ṣ̶̛̱̊̽̊͑͂͗͝h̴͓͍͎̾͛͌̀̾͑̍́͜ȩ̸̪̳̬̓́̂͌͗̊̿̕'̶͎̣̰̍̌͋͊̃͛̈́̕s̶̀̓̿̊̚͠ ̵̢̙̞̻̜͙̤͊̓̓͌͝͠ṋ̸̡̮͌̀̏̒̕͝ǒ̶̡̧͂̿͒̉͂̾̕͝t̴͙͕̂̅̍̌̋̕ ̸̯͖̥̆̂̉̿͗̃̋̐a̷͕̳̓̈́͂ ̶̡̦̥̳͓̻̟̫̅̕e̷̛͐͋̃̉̕x̸̓̅̆̾ŏ̵̜̮͇͙͖̈́r̸̃͌̌c̴̺̜̤̘̤̭̐̒̀͜͠ĭ̸̛̓̂s̷͓̬̦͇̿̉͗̈t̴̡̬̞̜̫̹͎̆͜ͅ and never will be." His voice glitches with static. "And how is that so!" She snarls at Alastor, unfazed by him being in his partial full demon form.

(If you want to know what it looks like, here it is👉 https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Alastor?file=Alastor+Partial+Full+Demon.png (You can copy it))

"She's an saint, not a exorcist, and I know she'll never do any like that." He says with static still in his voice. "Oh please, you're being complete bias, just because she's your wife!" She turns her attention towards Alastor, leaving me in relief a little bit, not having to worry about a spear at my chest. "She's not an exorcist, she's a fallen angel, framed for attempted murder." The static weakening in his voice as he calms down at the look of Vaggie's face as she found out the truth, her grip loosing on her spear as she looks at me again.

"I think you should leave, 𝗡𝗢𝗪." He assures Vaggie in his normal voice. Vaggie just rolled her eyes with a grumble and left with her spear in her hand.

"Are you hurt? What did she do to you my dear?" He rushed to me, scanning my body for wounds. "I'm ok dear, she didn't harm me." I smile softly at him while my hand caressed against his cheek. "Was she out of her mind! I'll kill her if she tries that again!" His eyes had a glint of hatred and rage as he thought about Vaggie ever trying to harm you, his eyes looked away from yours. "Don't Alastor... I'm ok now." I gave him a peck on the cheek, which made him turn his attention towards me, his eyes softened as he looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry mon chere... I won't let anything harm you." His smile became more relaxed as he held my waist with his arms.

"What are exorcists anyways dear?" I asked him, gazing into his eye in confusion. He broke the gaze and looked to his side, his face still facing in my direction. "Well..." He sighs as he looked back into my eyes. I raised my brow at him.

"Exorcists are angels that come down here every year to kill sinners due to the population raising, they're scared that they'll reach heaven..." My eyes widen, he noticed the sudden change of my eye shape. "W-what... how could they do such a cruel thing?" I terror glinted in my eyes. "Angels are not as pure as they look..." He looked down, not wanting to scare me about the gruesome things they do. "But don't worry, I'll make sure no one hurts you mon chere." He lifted his head to face me, he smiled at me softly, I smiled back to him.

"Now, about those new clothes, you ready to try the on mon chere?~" He spawned 4 shopping bags on his arm.

"These are the ones I thought you'll like the best." He smiled at me as he pulled out 4 outfits.

Number 1:

Number 1:

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