ʚAngels Wingsɞ

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Alastor's eyes turned into radio dials as he looked at Angel. "Haha!.. I'll leave now, bye!" Angel nervously laughed as he ran out the trapdoor, scared that Alastor might take his life.

Alastor then turned his attention back to me. "May I ask you a question mon chere?" He lifted my chin to make me face directly into his eyes. "Of course, you may ask away." I smiled at him causing his cheeks to get a faint touch of red. "How are you in hell..? Did you even go to heaven?" He tilted his head to his right, his ears followed, twitching slightly. "... Well I was in heaven... with mum..." I moved my head from his grip to looked down, my eyes gloomed a little. "I knew mum and you would go to heaven, you two are just too pure for hell... I truly did miss you two, but how did you get down here?" He lifted my chin up again, making me look into his eyes. "I-I.... got framed for attempted murder.." I tried bring my head down, but Alastor's grip on my chin said otherwise so, I just moved my eyes away from his face.  

Alastor's antlers started growing, his eye twitching. "Who framed you?" Alastor was visually pissed. "Some cashier who tried to sexually harass me..." I looked back into his eyes to see his pupils turn into radio dials. "Ḯ̸̢̧̠̽̅'̸́̂̎͘͘l̷̎̑l̷͑͊ ̶̪͕̗̍̎̾͝k̶̍i̴͆̄͛̌l̸͂͌l ̶͐̃h̵̓i̸̒̊͌m̴̳̠̲̝͉̺̦̑̓̃." Alastor's voice filled with static. This made me scared, but not enough to make me run away. "Alastor, you can't, you can't go to heaven and kill him! I just found you... I don't want to lose you again..." I hug him tightly, digging my face into his chest, this action made him return to his normal form. "I'm sorry mon chere..." His voice back to normal as he hugs me tightly back. "OW!" I yelped in pain as push away from the hug. "What's wrong mon chere?" Alastor looked at me with concern a I push his hand off my back. "M-my wings..." I stuttered, tears forming of the pain, I forgot about my wings, but when remembered about them, the pain went back to my wings. 

I turned my back towards Alastor, showing him the gold blood stain on my back. "I can't take this dress off without hurting my wings, but if I keep on, the tightness is only going to hurt my wings more..." A tear rolled down my cheek in pain. "Here let me help..." Alastor opens one of his draws to grab a dagger, once he got the dagger he slowly cuts your dress open without harming you or your wings his best. Once your dress was off it fell to the ground, before it left you bare, Alastor wraps a deep red coloured blanket over you, except your wings, the blanket covers you, not leaving you naked.

Alastor examined your wings to see what he can do, your wings were badly injured from the fall. Once Alastor knew what he should do, he uses his shadows to teleport a med box into one of his hands.

[Time Skip]

I was sitting on a chair while he was attending to my wings. Once he finished attending to my wings, he paused. "We need to get you some clothes mon chere." He looks at you with only a blanket covering your body. "Don't you worry though, I'll get you some clothes. I'll be back mon chere, just stay here." He gave me a peck on my cheek before disappearing into his shadows.

Now it was just me in his radio tower, only covered by a blanket. "Argh!..." I groaned as I stood up from my seat, walking towards his drawer. I picked up the picture of us he showed me to make me believe him. "God, I miss those times. Oh! I wonder if Mimzy is here too, it been a long time since I last saw her." I chuckled to myself as I continued to look at the picture of us, it brings me so many memories. I can't wait to meet all of Alastor's friends... and I wish mum could meet them too...

At knock came upon the trapdoor causing me put my attention to who ever is knocking on the door. The door then opened. "Alastor what are you doing to-" Vaggie seemed to be the one that entered, she paused her sentence when she saw me, she then noticed my wings.

Vaggie grabbed her spear and walked over towards me, stopping when her spear almost touched my chest. "I knew I couldn't trust you! You angel! Why are you here and what do you want from us!" She snarls at me, grinding her teeth together. "I don't want to give harm! I'm just here for redemption, please." I put up hands up, eyes looking at her spear in fear. "Angels are not to be trusted!" She bares her teeth at me, her frown and narrow eyes wrinkling her nose.

"Why are angels not to be trusted?" I stood there scared and confused. "Because all the angels that come down here are exorcists! So, you must be a spy for them." She gently puts the tip of the spear on my chest. "Exorcists?... What do you mean?..." I stood a step back, making her spear not touch my chest anymore. "Don't play dumb! You fuckers come down every year to kill sinners!" She stepped towards me. "Wait? There are angels that do that?" I couldn't believe that angels actually kill these souls... "Don't act dumb like you never heard of them! I know your one of them!" She keeps walking towards me, I keeping walking away from her, but I ran out of room and is now cornered, I'm now leaning against Alastor's control panel.

"I have no idea about the exorcists! I swear! I-" I get cut off by a sudden appearance teleporting into the radio tower.

"Mon chere I'm back with the new-" As he notices what is going on, his pupils turned into radio dials, his antlers started growing.

"W̷̢͇̰̝̱͛̓́̏͘̚͘͝h̷̛̺͖̹̝̝͎͌́̓̓͋̉̐̑͜a̸̡̜͎͕̞͉̻͛̋̒͌͆̎t̵̢̀͛͋̂̋̈́̚͘͝ ̴͖͇̥͇̞͍̫͐͘d̷̢͍̝̮̟̮̪͆o̸͍͎͍̮̰̗͈̦̎̈̍́̇ ̵̗̮͎̗̪̈́̇ͅy̶̬̌͝ò̴̗̖͖̰̟͐̓̾̉͛̔́͆ư̷̺̟͍̈́͒̓͊ ̸͈͉͉̐̈̉̍̃̏̈́͛t̸̡̜͙̟͙̥̬͚̺̾̈́͑͛́͝h̷̨̢̳̟̣̤̺͇̥͎́̎̅̂͒í̸̖̭n̴͕̳̻̼̼̖̻̳̽̓͊k̵̫̰̫̙̗̦̆̌̉̈́̌̉̈̿ ̸̘̙́̀̂͂̊ý̵̯͇̘̹̏̿͆̐̽̽̒̚͘ȯ̷͙̩̝̥̼̒͐̈́̎̆͜ư̷̛̯̻̦͆̈̾͊̎́'r̴̲̙̬̗͑̆̿̍́̅̇͌e ̴̢̡͎̯̰͎͈̰̦̺͐̑̿̿̊͆̒d̵̪͛̃͌͑̀̐͐̓͘͝ǒ̴͙̦̙͍͘͝î̶̟͉͔̠́̾͂͜n̸̜̂́̋͒́̑͘͜g̸̨̧̧̛̞͚͎̲͛̇̑̅̆̀̂̈́̏ ̶̮̭͛V̶̧̛͔̠͚͛͗̒̅̿̔̽̋͘a̸͇̟͌͝g̸̙̘͙͇̪̓̊͗̈͗̀͒̿ģ̴̝͉̳̺͇̟́̆̓͜ͅḯ̸̛͈̭̟̤̰̣̲̄̀̓̀̕̚͘͝ͅȅ̷̛̠̪̦͎̜̮̪͖̼͉̋̓͑̕?̴̡͕̥̣̞̤̮̑̈́̌͆̔͊͜ͅ"

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