ʚSee The Angel In Front Of Youɞ

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(1621 Words)

"Oh my Satan!!! You're a angel!? What are you doing here??" Charlie rushed up to me, a million questions ran through her head. I was uncomfortable. She was way too close to me...

"Uhhh.." I sighed as it was about time to tell her. "I got framed..." I looked down, a tad embarrassed for no reason, but I needed to feed her curiosity or she'll just be starving for the truth.

"WHAT!? OH NO!! WHO FRAMED YOU? I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY!!" She pulled me into a really tight squeezed, she was basically crying now... awkward... I didn't know the princess of hell was so sensitive...

"It's fine Charlie..." I groaned. Damn she's strong... I lifted my wings out of the way so she wouldn't hurt them, but it still hurt moving them. I groaned for the pain of my wings as well. 

"I think you need a break Charlie..." Alastor grabs her off you and carries her in bridal-style. I was a little jealous from this action, but I know he wouldn't cheat on me, well I hope.


"Let's get you to Vaggie.." Alastor sighed as Charlie was crying, he didn't like physical touch, only from close ones he don't mind, like you and his mother for example. "Want to come mon chere? It'll be a nice opportunity for you to tell everyone." Alastor turned to me as he raised his brow, offering me his hand to come with him and Charlie. His extended hand waiting for me to accept it or reject it. He holding Charlie in his other.

"Yeah, I'll come." I smiled softly as I accepted his offer. I placed my hand in his. He grabbed my hand the moment I placed it in his. He pulled me towards him and hugs me on his side. Charlie is still crying... Alastor then teleports us three to the hotel lobby.

As soon as we teleported the rest of the crew heard Charlie crying. "Charlie!" Vaggie ran over the Charlie. "What the FUCK did you do Alastor!" She snaps at Alastor as she snatched Charlie out of his arms into hers.

"V-VAGGIE SHE GOT FRAMED!! SHE DIDN'T DESVERE THIS TREATMENT!! I-IT'S ALL SO SAAAD WAAAAA!!!" Charlie cried into Vaggie's shoulder, barley able to spit out the words out her mouth.

"What? What are you talking about?" She went to look up at Alastor then saw me with my wings out on show. "Oh." Vaggie eyes looked more relaxed as she sees what Charlie was crying about. "Let's take you to bed.." Vaggie walks to hers and Charlie's shared bedroom. Charlie still sobs in her shoulder.

When Vaggie and Charlie left, all the attention was turned to you an your wings.

"You're an angel Y/N??" Angel pulls the popsicle out of his mouth with a raised brow.

"Yeah, haha... Surprise?" I laughed awkwardly as I tried my hardest not to act awkward, but I just failed miserably.

Husk didn't really care as he went back to drinking his 'cheap booze'. He could hear and see the awkwardness you're suffering through right now.

"ANGEL?? WHAT DO YOU TASTE LIKE? HEHEHAHAHA!" Niffty ran up to me and started laughing like a manic... oh my god...

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