ʚI Have a Chanceɞ

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(1155 Words)

I think I should keep going on since this is where I'll be for the rest of my time... hopefully not.

I stood up and dusted myself down, I should hide my wings so I don't get into more trouble, shit... they hurt like hell... I struggle to put my wings in my dress, they hurt a lot... once I got my wings in my dress, the gold from my blood stained the back of my dress, people can figure out I'm an angel by the colour of my blood... I really need to get somewhere to stay... I'm so sorry mum... I miss you so... I'll try my best to get back home...

I walked out of the alley way and started walking down the street. I can feel demons eyes on me... it's best if I ignore them... I don't know where I am, I don't know anything about hell...

As I walked down the street, I hear a sound to my left, I turn to my left and I see a tv box. It looks like its a commercial for a hotel?

As I stand there listening to the tv play the hotel commercial. "Redemption?" I say out loud to myself. The commercial says it's a hotel for sinners to get redeemed an go to heaven, a second chance... that means I can see mum again? A smile grows on my face as I learn more about this hotel.

"Wait a minute... that person looks oddly familiar" I squint my eyes to the red demon in the commercial, he looks like Alastor... probably not, there's bunch of sinners so there surly to have sinners that look like each other even if there not related. I shrugged the questioning off, right now I need to find where the hotel is, it looks like the hotel is called 'The Hazbin Hotel', maybe I should ask someone to help me where it is, but I don't trust these sinners... well it's worth a shot anyways...

"Hey! Excuse me, but can you please show me the way to the Hazbin Hotel." I walked up to a female wolf hybrid demon. "Oh yeah sure!" She accepted to help me and told me where the Hazbin Hotel is. "Thank you very much!" I thank the demon, she just nodded in response and continued doing her thing, I'm lucky to find a nice sinner. I smile softly before going to the direction she told me the hotel is at. That sinner is as bad as I thought, maybe not all sinners deserve to go to hell...

As I arrived in front of the hotel, I took one last deep breathe in then dusted myself off, I then knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it. As my waiting was done when I heard someone opening the doors, It was a girl that looked like she was in her early twenties, she has blonde hair and a red suit, I hope I got the right place.

"Hello! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!! I'm Charlie! Are you here to get redeemed?" Her smile reach the her eyes as she jumps up and down with excitement. "Yes, I am actually here to get redeem." I nodded to her, her excitement only grows. "Come right in! I'll interduce you to the rest of employees!" She grabs my hand and drags me inside. "Guys look! We finally got a actual patron!" Charlie squeaks in excitement. All the other demons look at you, one looks like a pink and white spider, another one looks like a cat with wings, another had a huge X over one of her eyes, and finally there was a small girl running around. I don't see the red demon anywhere... I guess it doesn't matter. "What the fuck am I then?!" The spider person yelled. "I know Angel, but she actually believes in our cause!" She points at me with a smile still on her face. Sounds like the spiders name is Angel?

"Here I'll interduce you to everyone!" Charlie drags me to the girl with the X. The girl with the X seems to have a spear like the ones I see some angels with in heaven, she raised the spear to my chest. "You better not do anything bad! If you hurt anyone I'll won't hesitate to stab you!" She says snarling her teeth at me. Charlie went to say something to the girl, but I cut her off. "Don't worry I won't hurt anyone, I promise." I tell the girl putting my finger on her spear, pushing away from my chest. She squinted her eyes at my in response and she puts her spear down.

"Haha... anyways! This is Vaggie!" Charlie turns to me with a nervous laugh and smile on her face. The girl with the X's name is Vaggie... hmm at least I know her name. "And Vaggie this is..." She turned to Vaggie, but then paused. "I'm sorry, but what's your name?" Charlie turned back to me. "I'm Y/N." I smile softly at her. "Vaggie this is Y/N! Our new patron!" Charlie turns back to Vaggie with a smile. Vaggie just glared at me. "Anyways! Let me show you the rest Y/N!" Charlie grabbed me, dragging me towards a bar with the cat and Angel.

"Hi guys! This is Y/N! Our new patron!" Charlie points to me introducing me to the 2 men. "Heya toots~" Angel smirked at me. The cat just waved. "Y/N, this is Angel!" Charlie points to the spider, I just waved at Angel. "And this is Husk! Our bartender!" Charlie turns to point at the cat behind the counter, I smiled at him. "There's two people left to interduce you to now Y/N!" Charlie smiles grabbing my hand again to drag me over to the small creature running around.

"Niffty, meet Y/N! Our new patron." Charlie faces Niffty and point at me. "Hi! Why are you a girl? Why is everyone here a girl?" Niffty points at me as her eye looked at me up and down, her pupil got smaller. "Anyways! Y/N, this is Niffty, our housekeeper!" Charlie turns to me with a smile on her face. I waved at the small girl with a smile. "Now one last person! Where is Alastor?" She asked herself... wait Alastor? That's the same name of my husband... probably someone else haha...

Charlie walks to the centre of the lobby. "Alastor!" She calls out, a shadow appeared in front of her, soon revealed that red demon... he still looks familiar... does he always smile? looks painful... "I have arrived Charlie, may I ask for what reason you are calling me?" The red demon raises his eyebrow at Charlie, his voice sounds like a radio... "Alastor! I want you to meet our new patron!" Charlie pushes me in front of her. "Meet-" Charlie gets cut off by the red demon. The red demon eyes widen as his smile weakens. "Y/N?..."

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