ʚThat's Not My Husbandɞ

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(1034 words)

"Pardon?... H-how do you know my name..." I stuttered in pure confusion. Alastor felt his own heartbreak, but he understands, he does look different, but he didn't really think difference that his wife won't remember him...

"It's me, Alastor Hartfelt..." He says softly to me, assuring that he wasn't lying. My eyes widen in shock... "A-Alastor Hartfelt... Is that really you?" I tilt my head to the my left slightly, trying to process all of this. "Yes... It is dear.." He takes a step towards me, but I take a step back, he feels his heart breaks a little after this action.

"Y-your not Alastor Hartfelt... My husband would never do the sins you do..." I step a few more steps back. Alastor's eyes widen, now his heart was really torn apart, he felt like crying, but he can't be shown vulnerable in front of everyone, what would people think if he did? The radio demon crying cause his wife won't believe that it's him... Alastor only just weakened his smile not letting his emotions taking over him.

"Ah... I'll excuse myself now... sorry dear..." Alastor heartbroken uses his shadows to teleport him somewhere else. 

"You're Alastor's wife!?" Angel got up from the stool in front of the bar counter, he. was. in. SHOCK. "T-that's not the my Alastor..." I ran away down the hotel halls, tear running down my face. "WAIT Y/N!!" Charlie called out to me, but I ignored her and kept running. 

I kept running until I tripped over. "AH!" I yelped as I fell over. I look behind me to see what I tripped over. "Niffty?" I stood up getting off the floor, then I dusted myself off. "YAY! PAIN!!" Niffty shouts before running off again... weird... 

"Fuck... Was he actually my husband? FUCK! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING I JUST ASSUME MY HUSBAND IS SO PURE THAT HE COULD'VE BEEN HIDING THINGS FROM ME! I-I'm just blinded like those angels... the ones that got me down here in the first place..." The though ran through my head like a bullet... My knees went weak, tearing flowing down my face like a waterfall. "Please god... let me see the truth..." I whisper to myself, I couldn't stop my tear flowing... this was way to much to process... my mind hurts... my wings still hurt too... why...

I should go apologize to Alastor... he might be my husband... but I don't know where he is... I should probably go back to the lobby, everyone must be searching for me...

I head back to the lobby to end everyone's search party. "Y/N! Where did you go!? Are you ok?" Charlie notices me rushing towards me immediately. "I'm fine Charlie... I'm sorry for running for like that..." I look towards the ground, feeling disappoint in my self. "No, it's ok Y/N! At least you came back." Charlie lifts my chin, making me look at her, then she broke the tension of us looking at each other just squeezing me into a hug. "I need to talk to Alastor. You know where he might be?" I broke the hug and looked at Charlie. "He might be at his radio tower..." Husk replies to my question in stead, causing me to look at him. "Thanks Husk, do you know where it is?" I smile at Husk as he took another drink of his 'cheap booze'. "Right side of the hotel." Husk answered before taking another drink. "Thanks Husk, I'll see you guys later" I waved to them before I left to go to Alastor's radio tower. "Be careful!" Charlie called out to me when I walked out the door.

[Time Skip]

I climbed up to Alastor's radio tower then opened the trapdoor. Alastor heard someone coming, so he quickly put himself back together and look to who is entering. I finally got in the tower, as Alastor saw me his eyes widen.

"Alastor... I want to apologize... for earlier.." I walk towards him, stopping right outside his personal bubble. His smile lowered a bit. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusion so fast... I just don't know what to believe anymore... I-I just never thought someone like my husband would go to hell... I- I..." I couldn't even complete my sentence, next thing you know my face went straight to the floor, I started stuttering and tears were forming in my eyes.

I jump slightly the moment I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up to see Alastor with a warming smile on his face, his eyes looking right into mine, it looked like he wasn't plastering his smile anymore, he acutely meant it... "I understand dear... I might have the thing to prove that I'm your husband." He looks away from me and grabs a picture on his draw, he then walks back to me. "Here, this is me and you... the only that of you that came down with me to hell." he shows me the picture, it was the picture of me and him together when we were alive (from chapter 1).

I didn't waste another second and I quickly rushed to hug him, this made him jump slightly, but as soon he knew that you knew too he went to hug you back. "I-I'm so sorry Alastor... *hic* I miss you.." I sob into his chest as I found out the truth, I didn't want to let go of him. "Shhhh, it's ok mon chere, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as well." He hugs me tighter and kisses me on the head. "I love you Alastor..." I manged to get out all through out of my sobbing. "I love you even more mon chere~" He loosens his grip on my, he uses one of his hands to lift up my chin, making me look into his eyes, I chuckled at his response, this is my Alastor... this is the Alastor, like before...

He pulls me into a kiss, I was surprised at this action, but I let it continue... I can't wait to tell mum I found Alastor again... 

The trapdoor opens to Alastors radio tower, before we can break the kiss the person has already entered. It was Angel...

"Hey Y/N, Charlie asked me to-, you two seriously fucking?"  

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