The first encounter ep01

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“Why don’t  we  play in the ground instead”
I suggested  as we rode our bikes away from the crosswalk.

We were playing football on the small abandoned field in our neighbourhood   but  were shortly interrupted by our grumpy old neighbour after we broke his window for the 48th time this month.

It is our summer vacation and we didn’t really have anything to do other then roaming around on our bikes .We finally reached our destination i.e. the ground, we don’t usually come here to play as its pretty far away from our neighbourhood  and it takes us a lot of time to ride here.

We started playing it was the four of us always has been me, Jake, Lucas  and Liam.
We live in a small town in Portugal everyone knows us as the troublemakers which we actually are, the ball suddenly came right at me and Jake shouted “catch it Tristan!” but I missed it and it went flying into the church crossing the fence “shit!”

It was an abandoned church  which was allegedly  haunted I looked at my friends and they told me to go get it, honestly speaking I was scared but it was my fault so I had to go. I entered through the small hole in the fence and started searching for my ball,after searching for a while I finally found it and that’s when I saw her standing in the middle of a fountain,which was shining brightly in the abandoned church,holding a glass doll in her hand. The water coming out of the fountain was sparkling purple it was all so…unusual that I couldn’t help but stare.

I didn’t realize how much time had passed until Jake, Liam and Lucas came looking for me and I pointed at the fountain we all decided to go near the fountain, we were standing a few steps away from the girl and her eyes moved I gasped but no one else seemed to notice it,I realized it was already 9 we started walking away I turned back one last time while walking and saw the glass doll was not there anymore.I didn’t tell anyone this and we rode away quickly.

Few days later…

I was in my room getting ready for school, I met my friends at the school gate and we walked in together.
We all were silent,it was the first time we met after that fountain incident I started the conversation and others joined in but suddenly the bottle that Lucas was holding fell from his hand,we all stopped and looked at him as he pointed at a girl standing a few steps away from us,talking to one of our classmates it was HER whose statue we saw at the fountain the other  day and suddenly she looked right at as with her purple grey  unusual eyes she walked towards us and said  “hey I am Samara!”…..
                                    -LEE MALFOY

|| This is the first story I have ever written, I hope you guys like it :)||

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