ep 06

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I started reading 'pixies are capable of controlling humans actions and emotions but they are not very strong physically. According to mythology pixies are not immortal and they have a small life time of 20-30 years.'

So if Samara is a pixie she can easily control my feelings and that is why I was convinced to find her sister without any doubts,
"Tristan come and have dinner" my mom said from the kitchen, I placed the book back on the shelf and went out .

My mom made my favorite red sauce pasta for dinner, my dad was not home yet (he's a lawyer and work long hours),so it was just me and my mom at the dinner table she asked me some questions like how's school going and I replied in small sentences,I was not really interested in having a small talk right now.

After finishing my dinner I glanced back at my father's library but decided not to enter.

I went back upstairs and laid on my bed,my brain filled with uncountable questions I had no idea what to do,should I confront my friends about this or maybe tell my parents but the thing was that the moment I meet Samara again she would possess me again and I would forget about all the questions,I was drowning in a sea of thoughts and that's when I dozed off.

Next morning I woke up with a pretty bad headache,I was not really in the mood of getting out of bed and riding to my school but I had to go cause I have to try to talk to my friends maybe they would understand me.
I got up and went to my bathroom,after taking a short shower,I came back outside and opened my cupboard,I pulled out my denim overalls and a grey tshirt,I got dressed and went downstairs.
My mom was making  pancakes for breakfast,I asked her for hazelnut syrup but unfortunately we were out of it.
My mom said to get it from the store,if I want to eat my pancakes with hazelnut syrup.
I checked the time and saw I have woken up pretty early so I almost had an hour before school so I nodded, took my keys and left the house.
I cycled to the nearest 7/11 convenience store and parked my cycle, I entered the shop and  started searching for hazelnut syrup and found a bottle. I went to the billing counter and froze at my spot,the girl in front of me in line looked really familiar,oh my god it was Samara's sister!!
I looked at her closely she was wearing a brown skirt that went down to her knees and a white oversized tshirt, her hairs were wrapped in a messy bun and she was buying a sausage,she turned towards me and I looked away cause l didn't want her to think that I am a creep,she turned her head back towards the counter, took the change from the cashier and left.

I left my hazelnut syrup on the counter and ran behind her,the cashier called after me but I didn't have time for it. I saw her entering a car and she drove off,I knew I couldn't follow her on my bike,I would never be able to keep up with a Mercedes.

I texted my mom that the store was out of hazelnut syrup and I am going to school directly.
I peddled my way to the school and parked my bike.
I entered the classroom and realized "shit" I forgot to bring my backpack, I was so caught up thinking about this whole Samara drama that I forgot that I didn't take my bag from home when I left for the store.
I looked around and spotted Lucas.
I went up to him and said,"Broo I forgot to bring my backpack"

he laughed and said,"what were you planning to do in school without a backpack bro"

I sighed and said," I need to go and get it" and left.

The moment I reached the parking lot a car stopped in front of me,it was my mom's a  black BMW,she rolled down the window and said,"you forgot this honey" and I sighed in relief,"Thanks mom" I said taking the backpack from her hand,she smiled and left.

I turned around and saw Samara in front of me,her eyes fixed on my face I said startled," Ohh hey Samara what's up" she looked at me and said,"All fine TRISTAN" and then her eyes glowed again.

Once again a layer of fog entered my mind,I felt  a little dizzy and stared at her again with the same satisfaction I had yesterday when I took her home to help her find her sister.
She smirked and said,"let's walk to class together" I smiled and said,"yeah let's go".
We entered our first class of geography and saw my friends surrounding a girl I pushed through them  and froze there stood Samara! but it was not possible she was with me just a second ago I turned around and their she was Samara,how is this possible...
                                      -LEE MALFOY

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