ep 03

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..We all looked at her with fear in our eyes, she kept the snacks tray on her bed and walked towards us.She raised her hand and pointed out the window and started laughing,
she said "I painted that myself it's funny ik I didn't want anyone to see it".
We all looked outside at the same time, THE FOUNTAIN HAS DISAPPEARED and in place of the fountain there was a funny kitten drawing on the wall.We all looked at her with fear and confusion,at this point we knew something was seriously wrong with this girl. We didn't even care about the project anymore,
I said "uhhh my mom just called she needs me for ummmm going shopping will meet you at school tomorrow byeee!".
I rushed outside and my friends followed saying that they need to head home too,Samara came to the door asking what happened suddenly but we just took our bikes and pedaled away.
Out of breathe we reached my house,
Lucas said,"Idk what she would have done with us if we stayed longer"
and Liam said,"exactly and what was mixed in those snacks she bought or what would have happened if we ate that.."
we decided on discussing more about it in school the next day and I entered my house as they left. As soon as I entered my mom asked "how did the preparation go Tristan?"
I lied and said " uhh fine mom,I am too tired I think I will take a nap in my room". She said,"sure honey" and I went upstairs.

Few hours later....

I was in a dark room where nothin' was visible,I had a sharp pain in my head I got up and stumbled back.That's when I noticed a small light coming from a corner, I crawled towards it and saw the glass doll which was in Samaras hand or maybe the statues hand Idk.
I crawled further to touch it,that's when a lighting shot up the glass doll and I screamed as I woke up out of breath,my mom came running to my room and poured me a glass of water quickly my mom looked genuinely concerned and asked what happened and I just said,"had a bad dream mom".

The next day...

I was still not over my nightmare,all I could think about was Samara who was she really?
My mom told me I can stay home and skip school if I didn't want to go,
but I said I would cause I wanted to share my dream or a nightmare with my friends.
I reached school and saw all my friends together in the parking lot,I parked my bike and went up to them I asked "hey whats up",
trying to look as normal as I could,they gave me some weak smiles, head nods and said hello,
I said," I want to tell you guys something, yesterday I had a nightmare in which th-.."

I was interrupted my Samara she said,"hey guys,what happened yesterday?"
We looked at her and I said,"hey Samara we are actually headed to our physics class we are getting late,will talk to you later byee"
and we rushed out,oh my god did I literally just blow her off?
That was so rude but I didn't even know if she was a human or if she had any feelings at all,anyways we rushed inside and I said,"their is something seriously wrong with this girl" and Jake said,"Ikr she seems like she is from a different realm or something".
I said,"Yesterday in my dream I saw the glass doll,the one we saw on Samaras statue that day remember?" They all gasped.

We all talked a little more and finally started walking to our class,after two classes we had our geography class, obviously Mr.Wilson was expecting a project.
We were  ready for a scolding of a lifetime cause Mr.Wilson was very serious about things like projects and assignments, but when sir announced our name Samara entered with a project and said we made it together,Mr.Wilson looked at us suspiciously but didn't say anything.He took the project and started collecting more projects.

After school we decided that we need to talk to her,I stopped Samara and asked her,"who are you?"
Her smile faded and she  said,"you wouldn't want to know,and if you get to know you'll regret it for the rest of your life"
I looked puzzled and said "what do you mean?"
she smirked and said,"you will eventually get to know" as she walked away and I saw it,her shiny tattoo is she a PIXIE!!!!!
Maybe Jake was right maybe she is from a different realm,I don't think my life will ever be the same again..
                                           -LEE MALFOY

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