The house ep02

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...We were all in shock and looked at each other blankly which was making the scene even more awkward so I said "hey I am Tristan",
which broke the silence and all my friends introduced themselves.
she told us she is new here and was headed to her class but got lost.I asked her which class and she told me "uhhh geography shit subject yk" I laughed and told her we were headed there too and that she can come with us.
While we were walking I noticed she was wearing a white and purple dress which was different from the one we saw on that statue maybe it was just a coincidence,I whispered to Liam "what do you think is she the same girl!?" He glanced at her and said "maybe... honestly idk".
We reached our class and sat down the teacher entered and it was all a blur for me, all I could think about was Samara she was literally stuck in my head.The bell rang we started packing but the teacher stopped us and informed about the upcoming project where we need to make a group of 5 and research about some boring industrial waste production me Jake,Liam and Lucas needed a 5th member.
I said "let's ask Chris"
but before I could ask,Samara came to us and asked,
" uhh I was thinking maybe I can be your fifth team mate I am good at geography and I don't know anyone else here".
we looked at each other and nodded after a few more classes me Jake,Liam and Lucas headed to the cafeteria for lunch we sat at our usual table and started discussing about the project and that's when I saw Samara looking for a table I shouted "hey you can sit here" pointing at the chair next to me she smiled and said ,
"Thanks Tristan"
and sat down.We needed a place to make the project and Samara offered that we can do it at her place we agreed to meet at her place at 4 pm .

Few hours later....

We were in front on Liam's house waiting for him to come down,we decided to ride together to Samaras house.

After Liam came down we checked the address and started riding together but strangely the road we currently were on,leads to the football field we went to that day and no one lived there like for years no one has ever lived there,we ended up calling Samara for the address cause we were not able to figure it out she said she is coming outside so we can see her and find the house.
After around 2 mins we saw her and went in that direction and the place was none other than that ABANDONED CHURCH! We all looked at each other in shock cause there was a beautiful house in place of that church Jake looked like he was having a stroke we exchanged strange looks.
I said " Is this your house?"
She said "yeah just moved in like 3 days ago".

we visited this place like a week ago it was not possible that in a week the church was broken down and this house was built without anyone in the town knowing about it.

We reluctantly got in and looked around ,her mother welcomed us in warmly I looked around scanning the place there was no way this house was built in 3 days! We got to her room and started the project we were all a little confused but Mr.Wilson (our geography teacher) would kill us if we didn't submit the project on time so we had to do it.

After spending around 2 hrs working we decided to take a break, Samara got up to bring some snacks and I got up and went to the open window for some fresh air and froze on my spot Jake saw me and came towards the window as the others followed,
"What happened?"
I just pointed out the window there it was,the fountain with samara standing in the middle of it with the same dress she was wearing just now a statue can't change clothes right ?we all stood still in shock as Samara got in the room and saw us standing near the window her purple grey eyes darkened a little as she said,
"So you guys saw it didn't you?"....
                                       -LEE MALFOY

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