ep 04

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It has been 3 days since I saw Samaras tattoo,I didn't go to school for 2 days,I didn't have the energy to face her again.
I have a small library in my house, my dad loves books and he has books about mythology,science,space etc.
I went there and searched for books about pixies,I found a book titled,'OTHER THAN HUMANS' I quickly opened it and looked at the index I found the chapter I was looking for 'pixies'. I sat on the table and started reading,

'Pixies are mythological creatures which supposedly are from a different realm,they are not as powerful as witches and vampires but can do magic,specially on humans'

I read a few more pages but got bored and stopped reading,I left the room and went to kitchen to get a snack. My friends called me and said they will come to visit me in the afternoon.

After a few hours..

The doorbell rang, my mom went to open the door and by the voices I knew it was my friends.
After  a few minutes my door opened and all my friends entered.
I sat up on my bed, Jake and Liam sat on my bed and Lucas pulled the chair from my study table and sat next to my bed.They asked me if I feel better now,I said yes and then I asked about Samara, they looked at each other and said they wanted to tell me something,
Jake started," day before yesterday Samara came to us in school and started explaining everything,about who she really is.."

Liam continued,"She told us how she is from a place called Elysian Fields" I said,"Is that even a place?"

Liam said,"uhhh We don't know that,she said she is from a different realm and she is trusting us by telling us this, her family is the royal family but her sister ran away after she was pressurized to be the next heir to the throne"

I said,"okk...so what are we supposed to do with this?"

Lucas said," According to her blood instinct her sister is on earth and in our town,she wants our help to find her sister"

I said,"wth that girl is crazy we are not helping her!!"

Jake said,"uhhh actually we agreed"

I looked at him in shock,

he said,"see Tristan she looked really genuine when she said these things and we wanted to help her."

I said,"but did she explain anything about that freaking glass doll or her statue!!"

They looked at each other and Lucas said,"please Tristan let's help her out,she needs it"
I sighed and said,"no!".

They looked a little shocked and hurt but respected my decision and said they would meet me tomorrow in school and left.

Next day..

My mom dropped me off as I didn't have the energy to ride my bike.
I entered the school building and went straight to class,I found my friends there and waved at them,I walked up to them and said,"hey guys happy that I am back!?"
They looked at me and said,"yeah"
I don't know why but it felt awkward like I was out of place in that group as if they were not comfortable talking to me.

Just then Samara came up to me and said,"hey Tristan your friends told me what happened yesterday, I know you want more answers but I just can't share a lot right now,I am just not allowed to I really need your help I can't find Jennie alone.I don't know a lot of people here and places,will you please understand this and help me?"

Before I could understand anything and deny,I said,"ok I will"

I was shocked,it was like my body was forced to say that,as if it was me who said that but it wasn't really me.I saw Samaras eyes shine a little like not the twinkling eyes when you are happy,her eyes shined as if they were glowing(which was definitely not normal!) BRIGHT PURPLE and she smirked but quickly her smirk changed into a sweet smile and she said,"Thank you so much Tristan,this means a lot to me" I smiled and somehow felt convinced that I was doing the right thing all my doubts faded as if they were never there,I felt possessed...

                                       -LEE MALFOY

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