ep 05

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...we agreed to meet at my place to discuss our plan to find Jennie (Samara's sister), I don't know why did I even said yes to this but I just couldn't doubt the decision, it just felt right.
After school we went directly to my place,my mom welcomed my friends warmly and I introduced her to Samara surprisingly  my mom seemed very impressed by her when all she said was 'good afternoon,it's nice to meet you', I didn't mind it though,my mind refused to believe that there was anything wrong with Samara. We went up to my room, Liam and jake sat on my bed, Lucas pulled the chair from my study table and sat next to the bed, I went to my balcony and dragged my garden chair from there and asked Samara to sit on it,I turned on the AC and then went to change my clothes.

I came back after a few minutes and sat on my bed,we started discussing where to start,
Liam said " Samara can you show us a picture of Jennie,if we are finding someone we need to know how he or she looks like"

Samara replied," Yeah I have one picture just a minute-- umm yeah here! "
she pulled out a photograph from her bag and handed it to Liam, he looked at the picture for a few seconds and passed it over to me, I looked at the picture,Samara's sister looked like she was around the age of 23 she was brunette and had blue eyes, just normal blue eyes not like Samaras eyes which were pretty unusual.I passed it Lucas and he passed it to Jake.

I asked,"which kind of place are you expecting to find her Samara?"

She said,"I don't know I have barely been in this town for  2-3 weeks, I haven't explored most of the place so I have no idea".

Jake said," Why don't we start with our football field?"

Lucas said," Yeah and she would be so dumb  that she would be sitting in the OPEN FIELD for us to find her easily, please Jake say something sensible for God's sake" Jake lowered his head in embarrassment.

I said," why don't we start with widow Winston's place?" 

Liam said," Tristan don't you know we are not allowed to meet that woman,she is allegedly a freaking witch!"

I said,"I know Liam but I think she can help us find Jennie"

Samara interrupted and asked,"who is this widow Winston?"

I said," Well her real name is Hazel she is a widow and her husband's name was Winston,she lives down the street in a very old house,she's a strange woman never talks to anyone and some neighbors also say that strange noises come from her house at midnight like Chanting prayers,breaking things"

Samara said,"So how can she help us find Jennie?"

Lucas said," I think I understand what Tristan is trying to say..rumours about her say that she has a full map of the whole town in her house,with the names of the families that live in each house and when any person comes here for a visit or shifts here she adds them to the list,SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE"

I said,"Exactly!"

Samara said,"So if my sister is hiding in our town she would know about her,right?"

I said,"yeah".

Just then my mom entered my room with a tray full of snacks and orange juice poured in glasses,we said Thanks,she smiled and  left.We started eating,I was really hungry I didn't realise it because of all this Samara drama.
After discussing more about how to meet Widow Winston we decided to visit her house the next day without informing our parents about it.
Everyone left shortly after, I laid down on my bed and dozed off.

Few hours later..

I woke up around 8 pm,I went downstairs dinner was ready,my mom asked me to take a bath before eating, I nodded and went back to my room I pulled out my towel from the drawer and  purple pj's and grey tshirt from my closet and entered my bathroom.

The moment the warm water from the shower hit me it felt as if a layer of fog was removed from my brain,my doubts about Samara started creeping in again,I felt a little dizzy, so I sat on the bathroom floor under the shower and started connecting things, my doubts about Samara had disappeared the moment I met her in school today, maybe she was capable of doing this,of possessing people. I turned off the shower and got dressed quickly, I ran down the stairs stumbling and entered my Father's library I picked up the book  'OTHER THAN HUMANS' again and went straight to the 8th chapter 'PIXIES'...        
                                    -LEE MALFOY

||It took me a lot of time to write this chapter guys,I hope you guys enjoy reading it :)||

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