ep 09

32 4 1


I was out of breath,trying to ride as fast as I could, I finally reached the field and met my friends.

Liam said,"Let's go guys"

Jake said,"Wait Liam we need a plan first,after living in this town for 16 years we know how dangerous that alley can be"

"Ohh yeah like the Knockturn Alley next to Diagon Alley" Lucas said sarcastically.

"This is not the time for Harry potter references guys!"

"Yeahh sorry, ummm yeah for the plan let's just go by crossing the fence which leads to the back end of the alley" Lucas said.
"Yeah that's sounds like a good idea" Jake said.

"Thanks Weasley" Lucas winked at Jake.

I sighed and we started cycling towards the Alley and finally reached the fence,we left out bikes there and jumped over the fence.

After looking around for about 10 seconds we started walking, we took a left turn and saw Samara talking to someone,we expected a full blown argument but it was more like a ummm discussion in whispering voices,we crawled through the bushes and went as close as we can.

"I can't do it anymore,Tristan already knows about my dazzling powers I won't be able to control their emotions anymore "
Samara said.
We gasped and looked at each other,
"I told you but you guys didn't listen me " I said.
Suddenly Samara looked right at us and stared at the bushes,that guy asked,"what happened?"
"Nothing it's just-- its like I can hear someone" Samara said.

"Okk whatever,now listen go and talk to them about it and you have to convince them" that guy said.

"Ok, I will try my best" Samara said,
And she left.

We were stunned and had no idea what to do,we quietly crawled through the bushes, took our bikes and left.

I woke up,turned my alarm off and went in the bathroom. I had a quick shower and got dressed,I wore a white shirt and black jeans. I went downstairs and had my breakfast, chilli cheese toast.

I said,"bye mom!" And left.

I cycled my way to school and parked my bike. I got inside the building and went down to my class,strangely none of my friends were there. I said 'strangely' because most of the time they come before me atleast lucas and jake,but anyways I sat at my desk and waited. Samara entered the class and waved at me,I didn't wanna confront her before consulting with my friends so I didn't say anything and just waved back.

The bell rang but my friends didn't come,it was so weird how come they didn't tell me that they were not coming today,we always discuss things like this.
School was a blur all I could think about was them.

Few hour's later...

I was riding back home,I parked my bike in the garage and went inside the house,my mom came running at speed of a shot bullet and hugged me tight, I was a little taken aback,
I said,"wohhhh what happend mom, wait are you crying!?"

Mom said,"Ohhh Tristan I was so worried,today Lucas,Liam and Jake's mom called me they are missing. The police said that they can't register the case before 24 hrs".

I said,"what!!!! They are missing but they were with me the last night, what happened!?"

"Idk dear,I was so tensed that what if you didn't return from school,what if something happened to you" she said sobbing.

I consoled her and brought her a glass of water,then I quickly dialed my friends number simultaneously,but it was going directly to voice mail,I called their moms and they all said the same thing all they found was webs in their empty beds..
                                             -LEE MALFOY

|| Hey guys! Ik I didn't post for almost 2 weeks now but I just couldn't think of anything and I was not in the mood of typing so much, but finally it's here!
I think you all must be curious about that guy Samara was talking to, well let me give  you a spoiler that man is the reason Samara is here. I gave some twilight and harry potter references just for fun in these serious situations lol.
I am thinking of writing some one shot scenes for a few parts like Samara's first day in school and maybe from someone else's pov,tell me your views in the comments and yeah I have abruptly ended the alley scene cause I have some great ideas for that scene which will be revealed in the future episodes.

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