ep 08

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I woke up...my head was hurting like crazy,I tried to open my eyes but the light was too strong.
Forcefully I opened my eyes,my hairs were covering  my eyes, I tried to move my hand but they were tied, I was going crazy now,how did I end up here ? I tried to move but realized my hands and legs were tied.
I looked around and saw Liam, Jake, Lucas and Samara around me. Liam was closest to me I dragged myself and hit him with my head,I started screaming,"Guys wake up!!!" But no one seemed to hear me.
I tried to remember what happened but my head was hurting like crazy,the last thing I remembered was meeting Widow Winston, She invited us in and we entered her house,we asked about Jennie and she said to have tea first and she will try to find her till then and then everything went black.

Jake started moving,I stared at him his eyes opened slowly and he looked at me, I looked at him and said almost in a whisper,"how did we end up here?"
Jake said,"Idk man my head is hurting pretty badly I don't remember anything "

I looked at everyone they were all moving a little and slowly waking up.
The door slowly opened and we all turned our heads towards it, Hazel entered the room with a stern expression, she came near us and said,"hello children I found where kimmy is..."
I said,"who is kimmy and why did you lock us here !?"

Hazel scratched her head and said," uhh I am bad with names"

she mumbled " I found her sister whatever her name is " pointing at Samara.

We all gasped,she laughed,"she's in a  dark alley round the corner,not a very safe place though  but too bad that you'll never be free to find her!" Said in a wicked tone.

Jake said,"BUT WHY! What do you want?" .

"Well-" Hazel started " you all must have heard tales about me being a witch right?"

We all nodded "they are not a complete lie, I am not a witch unfortunately but I eat human meat and love to drink human blood but for years I had to survive on rabbits and small animals blood as everyone thought I am a witch. But finally my food came to my house with there own will "
we all gagged "but don't worry I will not  eat you right now,I will wait for full moon" and she left the room.

We all looked at each other with fear filled in our eyes and unfortunately none of our parents knew we are here uhhh!!

Samara said," According to my calculation full moon is this Sunday and we left on friday and if we were here a whole night that means full moon is TOMORROW!"

I said,"great calculation skills Samara,thank you guys for being such wonderful friends I will never forget you guys".

Liam said,"Ohh shut up Tristan,I don't want to die".

"Ohhh yeah and I would love to die in this ugly chamber at the age of 16!" I said sarcastically.

"Shut up guys, it's not the time to argue among ourselves" Lucas said.

I said,"you're right! Ummm Samara ik you have some dazzling skills,why don't you use them on Hazel and save us?"

Samara said," I won't lie Tristan, I can Dazzle humans but for that I have to look at them in the eyes for 10 seconds atleast"

4 hours later..

I thought for a long time and said,"Lucas you carry a cutter with you right?"

Lucas said,"umm yeahh"

Samara asked,"wth why do you carry a cutter with you ?"

Lucas said,"ahh this is for the biology program I am in,nothing else!"

Lucas pulled out the cutter from his front pocket with his mouth ,I held it in my mouth and cut through Lucas's rope.
Lucas quickly opened his legs rope and cut through ours.
We started banging at the door and when Hazel entered we quickly shoved her on the ground and ran out the main door.
We took our bikes and rushed from there,she screamed from her door but we didn't stop.
I was gasping for breath when we finally reached the corner.

Samara said,"we have to go to that alley guys"
I said,"are you crazy,we can't go right now! Our parents would be hella scared and worried for us we have to go home first!"

She said,"ohhh okay".

We quickly cycled to our houses and said goodbyes.

I entered my house and my mom rushed to the door and hugged me tight "where were you Tristan!?"
I said,"mom calm down I was at Widow Winston's house " she gasped after about 15 mins of convincing she finally forgave me.
I came to my room and went directly to shower,I felt so relaxed and wore an oversized tshirt and cargos. My mom got me curry and rice,I ate that and dozed off..

Few hours later...

My mom woke me up and told me Lucas is on the phone, I rubbed my eyes and said," Hey what happened?"

Lucas said," Tristan it's a conference call, Samara went to that dark alley alone to find Jennie!"

I said,"what is she crazy!!"

Liam said,"we have to go find her Tristan" I said,"ok let's meet in the field in 30 mins".

                                    - LEE MALFOY

|| Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this episode, just so you don't get confused Hazel is Widow Winston's real name,I mentioned that in the 5th episode. Stay tuned for new episodes~||

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