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I wake up throwing up and rushing to the bathroom...I think the worst, of course...it's fucking 6AM and I have to be at school at 7:30 and I'm throwing up every single second. I finally finished throwing up then I sit down and think what might be wrong with me but then it hits me. I'm pregnant. IM FUCKING PREGNANT. WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO NOW?! Shit...OH FUCK ITS YNS. What the fuck do I do now? Should I tell her? Should I keep it a secret? No that's stupid she'll find out anyway...fuck yk what? I'm gonna call her.

It's morning and I wake up and stretch and sit up on my bed. God I remember yesterday...it was...insane...I fucked my best friend...shit...what if I ruined the friendship. All the sudden I get a call from Jenna and I answer

The call

Yn: Hello?
Jenna: hey yn...there's something I need to tell you
Yn: oh...okay? What is it?
Jenna:...there's no easy way to say this but...I think I might be pregnant
Yn: w-wait what?
Jenna: yeah...I haven't stopped throwing up all day and...yesterday...we went down...so
Yn: did you take a test?
Jenna: no...not yet...can you please come over and get me the test? Please yn?
Yn: yeah yeah of course I'll be there in 10

After the call

HOLY SHIT JENNA MIGHT BE PREGNANT! The fuck do I do...okay I need to get dressed and go to the store to get her some pregnancy tests. I quickly put on something and run out of the house and get in my car and start driving to target since it's close to Jenna's house. I park and run in and get 4 pregnancy tests since sometimes they can be wrong. I pay and get in my car and go to Jenna's house. When I knock Jenna's mom Natalie answers and Jenna is behind her on the couch curled up into a ball. Natalie lets me in and I run to Jenna "hey...I got you the pregnancy tests" I say softly putting the bag of pregnancy tests on the coffee table "thank you" Jenna whispers and she looks like she's been crying which makes me heart break "look I know this may be hard but I promise I'll be with you the whole time...it's my child too" I say rubbing her back and she nods "I know...thank you" Jenna whispers and I smile softly "go take the test yeah? I'll be right here" I say and Jenna gets up and goes to the bathroom. Me and Jenna's family just sit in the living room while Jenna is in the bathroom. After 15 minutes Jenna comes out sobbing "I'm pregnant" Jenna says rubbing her eyes and i immediately get up and hug her tight "it's gonna be okay...I promise" I whisper in her ear and she just hugs me back tightly. Jenna's family seem to support Jenna too and hug her as well...I guess now I'm gonna have a family? Does this mean me and Jenna are together? No it probably doesn't...does it? I don't know but I don't want her to worry while she's pregnant so I probably won't ask her for a while until she's feeling a bit better and calmer


Well fuck...I'm pregnant by yns child...my family seems to be okay with it and yn looks happy and also doesn't mind it. Yns so support and helped me so much. She's so sweet...most people who are 16 and got someone pregnant they would just run away but yn stayed and that's the most caring thing ever. I think I'm in love with yn...


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