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It's been a year. A year since Andrea has been born and it's October 2nd...Andreas birthdayyy and she's turning 1 years old! Me and Jenna stayed up decorating the whole apartment and we got some toys and a cake.
Older people are also Gonna come
With their kids like mine and Jenna's family is coming and yns nieces and nephews are and my niece is also coming. God I haven't seen her in so long. I also haven't seen my Older
Brother in forever and he's coming too so I'm glad I'll see him. Me and Jenna also got a nice beautiful cake for Andrea

 Me and Jenna also got a nice beautiful cake for Andrea

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It's so cute and I'm 100% sure Andrea will love it. Andrea is obsessed with teddy bears so the theme is of course...teddy bears

(time skip)

The guests came and the kids are playing but the older people are in the living room catching up on life. Me and Jenna are in the kitchen alone putting some small sandwiches up for the kids
"Can you believe it's been a whole year since she's been born?" Jenna asks and I chuckle "I really can't. I remember the day she was born so well...it's like it was yesterday" I say smiling and building the sandwich. Jenna nods, her own smile growing wider. "I know, me too" she says, "it's crazy how much she changed in just a year. But I wouldn't trade it for anything." She looks down at Andrea who just came and kisses her softly
On the forehead and I smile. Jenna has been such a good mom it's been insane. Me and Jenna also...uhh have been having a lot of sex lately...I'm surprised she's not pregnant again. No more kids until 21 to 27 with Jenna's words but...I kinda want more now...but that's besides the point. I also kiss Andrea on the forehead and she goes and continues playing with her friends and cousins. It's time to blow the candles out and Andrea can't so me and Jenna are standing behind her to blow them out for her. The cake
Is really cute and everyone loves it. All three of us blow the cake out and Andrea giggles and claps. She's so cute. I pick her up and kiss her on the cheek. My beautiful daughter is 1 years old.

Thank you for 22 votes 💕💕💕

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