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It's the morning and I just woke up and stretched. I love stretching in bed for some reason. Jenna is still asleep but I'm sure she'll wake up in a bit. And just like that I feel her stirring around and waking up. She's looking at me...with that big cute smile "good morning yn" she says smiling at me "morning Jen" I reply and also smile at her. She cuddles up to me which makes me enjoy the warmth of my body against her body "how'd you sleep my love?" She looks up at me with those loving eyes as her fingers gently tracing a pattern on my chest "I slept good baby...you?" I ask looking down at her smiling softly. Jenna returns my smile, her eyes shining with happiness "I slept great thanks to you" she says and leans up and gives me a small kiss which I of course return and she snuggles back into the crook of my neck. "We should wake Andrea up hm? She's probably hungry" I say stroking her hair "Ooh your right! I can't wait to see my little angels face today!" She sits up and swings her legs over to the side of the bed then stands up and stretches her arms overhead which makes me chuckle a bit but then I also get up. We walk to the room and then Jenna walks over to the crib and gently picks Andrea up, cradling her in her arms and smiling as she gently rocks her back and forth "hey my little munchkin mommy and mama missed you so much" she then looks over at me with a Soft smile and I just peck her lips "you feed Andrea and I'm gonna go make breakfast for the both of us hm?" I say and Jenna looks over at me with a grateful smile "sounds perfect mama I'll meet you in the kitchen in a bit" she leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the lips before turning her attention to Andrea and starts breastfeeding her. I go in the kitchen and makes some pancakes for me and Jenna. It's been nice with Andrea I didn't  even know it would've been this easy with a baby it's like sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, repeat so it's pretty easy to take care of babies and plus Andrea is a very calm baby like she only cried twice which was first when she popped out and she also cried at night because she had a bad dream and that's it. Jenna has been such a nice  mother it's actually really nice to watch her take care of Andrea and talk to her. Jenna walks to the kitchen with Andrea, a warm smile gracing on her lips as she sees the pancakes I have made. "Mmm, something smells delicious!" She takes a seat at the table, and carefully balances Andrea on her lap as she starts eating the pancakes. "Made the pancakes just for you" I say smiling at her and Jenna's eyes light up as she takes a bite from the pancakes, "Oh my god, these are amazing! You always know how to make my heart and stomach happy." She gives me a flirty wink which makes me blush and she giggles and focuses on eating. I smile and also eat some of the pancakes "so when are you gonna put Andrea for a nap again?" I ask Jenna eating the pancakes. Jenna takes a sip of her coffee to wash the pancakes down and glances at the clock "Hm, let me see...she just ate, so maybe we can try for a nap in about an hour or so?" She then looks up back at me with a smirk. "If you need a little..." Jenna smirks and I blush hard "if you need a little...motivation to get through the morning I could always put Andrea down for a nap right now and we can spend some quality time together" Jenna says and smirks and i blush hard and nod I mean who wouldn't say yes to sex? Jenna chuckles and stands up from the table bringing Andrea with her "I'll take that as a yes" she gives me a seductive look over her shoulder and it immediately gets me hard as she carries andrea out of the kitchen. Jenna quickly returns after placing Andrea in her crib she has a wicked glint in her eye as she approaches me and she slowly starts stripping off her clothes. "Mmm, I can't wait to ride that throbbing dick of yours" she says and i immediately bite my bottom lip and get extremely hard. Fuck. Jenna's eyes light up with excitement at my reaction and she quickly strips off the rest of her clothes. She crawls onto my lap and grinds her hips against my hard cock "Mmm, I've wanted to fuck you all morning" Jenna whispers in my ear seductively and it makes me moan. Jenna smirks as she hears me moan "You like that, huh? I haven't even started yet" she wraps her hand around my cock, and slowly strokes it. "Mmm, you're so hard for me" she says seductively and I moan "f-fuck Jen...mmm" I say and Jenna giggles "that's right, I love it when  you call me my name while I'm fucking you." She positions herself over my cock, and slowly lowers herself onto it. FUCK. "O-oh j-Jen...yes fuck yes just like that~" I say moaning. Jenna moans as she feels my cock entering her, "Mmm, yes~ I love feeling you inside me." She starts riding my harder and faster which makes me moan in pleasure "you like that? You like it when I ride your cock like this?" She asks riding me so fucking good. "Fuck yes baby keep riding me~" I say with my eyes shut and a moaning mess. Jenna moans louder as she continues to ride my dick, "Mmm, you're so deep inside me. I can feel every inch of you" she reaches down to play with herself while she rides me. I can't even speak at this point I just keep moaning and moaning holding onto Jenna's hips. Jenna smirks down at me as she makes me moan so much more as she starts riding me harder and faster and her moans become louder too "Mmm you like that, huh? You like it when I make you moan and lose control?" She asks and moans after and I just nod eagerly "j-Jen! I'm so clo-close!~" I say moaning. Jenna moans since she feels how close I am "Mmm, me too. I'm so close. Fuck, I want to cum all over your cock." She rides me harder and faster, reaching down to play with herself again and that's my breaking point and I just cum all over. Jenna moans as she feels me cumming inside her, "Yes, yes! I can feel you cumming. Fuck!" She continues riding me until she reaches her own orgasm. Once she's done, she collapses onto my chest, panting and trying to catch her breath. I just sit there rubbing her back also trying to catch my breath. Jenna nuzzles into my chest. She looks up at me and smiles. "That was amazing. You're amazing." She starts kissing my neck and then finally my lips. I smile "thank you" I say and kiss her forehead. Jenna giggles and smiles back at me "so polite and charming. You make a girl weak in the knees" she snuggles closer to me and I giggle. Jenna gives me a small peck on the lips before she nuzzles back into my chest. She looks up at me and smiles "I don't know about you, but I could use a nap" she says and I smile. "You go to sleep and I'll take care of Andrea when she wakes up yeah?" I say and Jenna's face lights up "really? You'd do that for me?" I nod and she gives me a quick peck and puts her clothes on and goes to our bedroom and sleeps. I sit there naked but then I put my clothes back on and wait for Andrea and Jenna to wake up by making some food and watching a movie.

This is probably the longest chapter I ever made I don't know butttt if you guys want a kalogeras sisters one shot book just say so and I'll write it 😜😜😜

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