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It's the next day and it's like...2PM? Jenna can't walk due to...yesterday...uhh yeah so she's been laying in bed on her phone all day wearing my hoodie. Jenna's mom said she'll keep Andrea for another day since Jenna isn't feeling "good" due to her not being able to walk? Yeah I don't know either. Jenna's mom probably just wanted an excuse to spend time with her granddaughter more but I don't mind. Andrea needs to spend time with her nana so. Right now  im cleaning the kitchen counters while
Jenna is upstairs laying not being able to move. At some point I wanna check on Jenna to see if she wants anything. I go to our room and look inside and it's the most cutest thing I have ever seen. It's Jenna laying down on her stomach wearing my orange hoodie which looks really big on her. My cutie. "Hi baby...you need anything?" I ask leaning against the wall. Jenna turns her head "hi love" she says, reaching out a hand to beckon me and I obviously go closer and sit on the edge of the bed "can I get some water please?" She asks. Then why did I even sit down? Anyway. "Alright" I say and get up and I go to the kitchen of our small apartment and get a cup and fill some water with it and then give it to her in our room. Jenna takes the water and smiles at me and drinks it. She then sets the cup down and pats a spot next to her on the bed which is my side "come here" she says and I giggles and lay down next to her. Jenna snuggles up next to me and rests her head on my chest "I love you" she mumbles against my chest and I stroke her hair "I love you too Jenny" I giggle and kiss her head. Jenna smiles when I call her that nickname "Mmm I love it when you call me that" she murmurs, soon I feel her fall asleep and then I also try to sleep.

(Time skip)

Mmm I just woke up and it's 5PM. Jenna is still asleep on her side looking cute as ever and I'm sitting up on the bed looking through my phone. I continue to scroll on my phone, taking the occasional glance at Jenna as she sleeps. She looks so peaceful, I don't have the heart to wake her up. After a while, I set my phone aside and gently stroke her cheek, speaking softly to avoid waking her. "Hey Jenny..." I say and Jenna's eyes start to flutter as I see a faint smile after she sees me. She blinks a few times still half  asleep but then she lets out a soft yawn and snuggles closer to me "Hey there" she says and I rub her back "hi baby" I say and kiss her head "hey what time is it?" She asks "5PM" I say and continue to rub her back. At some point I reach her waist and I go down and down to her ass. I know she can't walk but still she won't mind. I hope? I'll ask for consent if we move further of course.  Jenna lets out a small moan as I rub her ass. I know she loves this. I see her blush a lot  "Mmm what do you have in mind?" She says. She's definitely teasing me. I just grip her ass tighter. I hear Jenna gasp and she strokes my chest. "Fuck..." she mumbles and I feel myself getting hard. Jenna notices my growing arousal and smirks. She runs her hand down my chest, tits, stomach and the waistband of my shorts. "Let me take care of that for you..." she says and gets on top of me and sits on my legs and slowly takes my shorts off. I'm not wearing boxers so my dick immediately springs out hard. Jenna's eyes widen she sees my hard ass dick. She licks her lips and removes my shorts and tosses them aside before positioning herself so that my cock is nestle between her thighs "I thought you couldn't move" I smirk playfully at her still hard. Jenna giggles and I see her blush again "I can make an exception for you" she winks at me and starts to grind her hips against my dick letting out soft moans. This girl is literally dry humping me? Wow...she's insane but I love it. She grinds faster and I moan. I need to feel her inside me. I tug on her sweatpants for her to take them off and to fuck me. She takes her sweatpants off and sinks down on my dick. "Oh fuck..." she moans out and I just let out a little moan and I tug on her hoodie "can you take it off?" I ask sitting up and holding on to her as she sits down on my dick. Jenna grins and takes the hoodie off and tosses it far away and she leans over. Her boobs brushing against mine and I also take my shirt and bra off. She behinds to move her hips in a steady rhythm "you like that?" She asks and I nod eagerly and I moan. Jenna smirks at my moan and she continues to ride my big cock. Her hands reach to fondle and squeeze my tits which makes me
Moan again "Your so fucking hot" she says and rides me more. I moan and pull her in so our boobs and chest are touching and we're basically hugging each other while she rides me. "F-fuck!" I moan out and grip on her tighter. It gives me a bit comfort to be like this. Jenna moans loudly and leans in to kiss me. After she pulls away "you're so fucking sexy" she moans against my lips and I grip her ass while she rides me harder and faster. "Make me cum Jen!" I moan out and Jenna moans too and she moves her hips faster and harder making me grip her ass tighter and moan loudly. I feel
Her getting closer and closer she's also so fucking tight. I feel her nails dig into my shoulders "Oh fuck...oh fuck...fuck..." she moans and I grip her ass tighter "cum Jen. Come
For me" I whisper in her ear. Jenna moans very loud and her legs shake as she cums all over my dick which makes me cum inside her tight pussy. "Oh fuck...Oh fuck...yes! I'm cumming!" She moans out while I finish cumming inside her. Jenna collapses onto my chest as she rides out her orgasm, her body still trembling as she continues to move her hips. She kisses my neck softly and smiles at me "Mmm, that was fucking amazing" she says "yeah" I say and nod and rub her back and she sighs still trying to catch her breath. "You're so fucking hot" she repeats, her hands still lightly squeezing my boobs which makes me moan. Jenna smirks, her hands moving up to my throat. She leans down to kiss me deeply. Her hips starting to move again "Your not done yet, are you?" She asks "no" I say and giggle which makes Jenna grin at my giggle. Her hips start moving faster and harder which make me moan again but she keeps moving "Good. I'm not done with you yet" she says as her hands keep squeezing my boobs which keep making me moan every single time. Jenna moans and continues to ride me again. She squeezes my boobs, pinching my nipples between her fingers "Mmm, fuck, you're so fucking hot" she moans out and continues riding my dick. I moan and grip her hips while she rides me again. Jenna lets out a loud moan and continues to ride me harder and faster. I feel her get tighter and tighter as she grips my dick hard "Oh fuck...oh fuck... I'm so close.." she moans "I-I'm c-close t-t-too!" I moan out and I grip her hips tight. Jenna smirks as her hips move faster and harder. She reaches down and rubs her clit fast "Fuck, yes! Cum for me again, baby!" She moans and I finally let out a high pitched moan and cum inside her tight pussy. Jenna moans loudly as I fill her up again, the tightness in her pussy only growing as she finally cums herself. She collapses against me, panting heavily as she tries to catch her breath, her hips still moving slightly against mine."fuck, that was...amazing..." she says and I nod trying to catch my breath. She grins as she slowly calms down, her hips still moving against mine. She leans down and kisses me which I obviously kiss back "so...you think you can handle another round? I'm not done with you yet, you know" she says "you sure you can go another round? I mean you couldn't walk an hour ago because of yesterday and now you want a third round?" I ask smirking. I may be smirking but I'm genuinely concerned if Jenna will be okay. Jenna laughs at my question, wiggling her hips playfully still straddling me. "I'm fine I promise! Besides, I want more. I want you to fuck me until
I can't walk again" she says "then let's do a different style" I say and rub her thigh. She carefully gets off of me, standing up on shaky legs before pulling me up too. "How about doggy style? I want you to fuck me hard and fast from behind, baby" she whispers and I nod eagerly "okay. Bend over"
I say and Jenna grins and bends over on the bed, sticking her ass up in the air  and giving me a hot sexy look over her shoulder "like what you see, baby?" She asks, wiggling her hips and making her ass bounce a little. I nod and position myself to go inside her. I slowly put my dick in her and I let out a small moan. Jenna moans loudly and pushes herself back against me wanting me to absolutely destroy her pussy from behind. Her walls already growing tighter and tighter by each thrust I take, "Yes! Fuck me, baby! Harder! I want you cum again for you!" She moans out and I go faster and harder. Jenna moans and cries out with each thrust, her ass bouncing back against me every time "oh god, yes! Just like that, baby! Fuck me harder!" She moans. I feel
Her getting closer and closer to another orgasm as I try to go harder and faster. Jenna reaches back and grabs onto my hip, encouraging me to go harder inside her. She moans loudly and shouts a "Fuck!" As her orgasm crashes over her, her walls clenching tightly on my dick which also makes me cum inside her again. Jenna moans after I cum inside her and then I pull out. She lies down on the bed and pulls me down to her and she cuddles up to me "I love you so much, baby" she mumbles against my chest and I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead "I love you too" I whisper against her forehead and kiss it again.

I started this yesterday but I fell asleep so here it is 😝😝😝 also I hate school. I went today and I swear I almost died. I need new school clothes too☹️

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