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Tomorrow is the day...the day i see my daughter...the day Jenna gives birth. Jenna has been pregnant for 9 months now and tomorrow is the day...well after 12...it's 7PM and Jenna is asleep in her room while laying on my chest. Jenna told me that she likes me back so now we're dating and she also told me that she's naming our daughter after me...well after my middle name and it made my heart explode...that made me fall for Jenna all over again. So now our unborn daughter's name is Andrea Ortega Sinclair and I'm more than honored to name my daughter after my middle name. I'll be staying at Jenna's house so we all can go to the hospital at 3AM and my parents will come later. We also got the apartment ready. Yes we got it and it's amazing...me and Jenna already but everything there so now all we need to do is add the final thing in the apartment...baby Andrea and we will very very soon. If Jenna gives birth somewhere between 3-11AM then Andrea's birthday would be 2nd of October which is pretty close me to and Jenna's birthday. My birthday is September 18th and Jenna's is September 27Th so I'm only a couple of days older than Jenna. I can't wait to hold baby Andrea...I wonder who she'll look like?...probably me...I dont know...I just hope she's perfectly healthy. Jenna has been so excited but scared at the same time and I keep calming her down saying that I'll be with her the whole time and that makes her feel way way wayyyy better which I'm glad.

(Time skip)

It's 2AM and me, Jenna and Jenna's family are all in the car heading to the hospital. We need to get there on time so that's why we are going early. Jenna seems to have fallen asleep in the passenger seat which is really cute but then I'll have to wake her up because I'm too scared to pick her up and hurt her or the baby. We already have the baby car seat or whatever in the back ready for Andrea for when we'll be able to leave.

(Time skip)

Oh my god. Holy shit. It's happening. Jenna is getting ready and so are the nurses which is also making me nervous. My family and Jenna's family both are outside waiting while me and Jenna are in the room with the nurses. At first the nurses didn't let me in but then Jenna told them to bring me in which I deeply appreciate since I wanna see my girlfriend giving birth to my daughter of course. Jenna is starting to get contractions and it's making me even more nervous .


Ohhh fuck fuck fuckkkkk it's fucking happening!...I'm giving birth! I'm getting some contractions and the nurses are putting their gloves on which is making me happy and scared at the same time. I grip yns hand tight and she just gives me a small peck on the lips reassuring me which I appreciate of course. "Alright Jenna I'm gonna need you to push hard yeah?" Those words coming out of the nurses mouth were the words I've been thinking and dreaming of. Like actually I had a dream I was giving birth while pregnant. I start pushing. "AHHH THAT HURTS" I'm in so much pain and it hurts so bad that I think I left a bruise on yns hand but I don't care at this point I just keep pushing and crying from pain. After a lot of pushing and crying and pain I'm finally holding my baby girl Andrea Ortega Sinclair. She looks just like yn...her mama...she's so sweet. I'm breastfeeding Andrea right now and yn is just watching peacefully. Yn cried a lot which made me cry and that made some of the nurses cry too...all from joy of course. Andrea and yn sleep the same way too...they sleep on their side with their hand under their face. It's so cute. Later I tell Yn to go home and come in the morning since I don't want her to sleep on that hard rock couch but she insists and sleeps there which got me a bit annoyed but it's fine I guess...Yn has been so supportive it's insane. She's so sweet and caring to me...she always got me my favorite snacks and flowers sometimes and helped me so much...well no shit Andrea is also her child but still...some teenage parents just leave each other and run away or some messed up shit but Yn is different...she wanted this. "Jen?" I hear Yn whisper and I turn around to face her. She's whispering because Andrea is asleep and everyone left so. "Hm?" I answer back looking at her while she stares at the ceiling "how much do you think Andrea's collage fees would be?" Yn asks turning her head and I just laugh "she just got born yn...go to sleep babe" I say turning back around "okay...I love you...and I'm proud of you" Yn whispers and it just makes my heart melt "I love you too yn...and thank you...goodnight baby" I whisper back "goodnight" Yn whispers and turns around and falls asleep. Now we have a small family...who knows? Maybe it'll be a big family soon?

SOOO??? How do yall feel about this one??? By the way THANK YOU FOR 100+ READS!!! AND ALSO DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!!!

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