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I'm 7 months pregnant now...my stomach is huge and it's been hard...the baby keeps kicking and punching...I swear this baby is gonna be an MMA fighter when she grows up. I'm at my house right now in the kitchen eating some oatmeal cookies my mom made. Yns mom makes AMAZING kampot and Yn always brings me some...speaking of Yn...Yn told me she loved me 3 months ago and I still haven't told her anything...I feel bad...I feel bad since I also love her but...I don't think I'm  ready...am I?....i don't wanna lose yn I need her...she's been so sweet and caring to me. I think I am in love with her NO I AM in love with her...should I tell her? Fuck it I will...wait lemme text her


        Hey yn are you coming over today?

Yeah I'm coming right now
I'm bringing kampot 😉
Do you need anything else?

            Can you bring me sugar cookies?

Yeah of course I can get you some
     *jenna hearted Yn❤️🕷️'s message*


Jenna just texted me and told me to bring her some sugar cookies so I'm gonna go to target rq and get her some.
(Time skip)
I'm in target rn and I'm
Trying to find the sugar cookies Jenna asked for. I get her some sugar cookies with pink frosting and some plain ones and I go to her house. She still hasn't told me her answer to if she loved me back or not...I'm worried...what if she doesn't love me?...what if she sees me as a friend only? Fuck...anyway. Both of our parents have been thinking to get me and Jenna a small apartment to move in together when the baby is born...she said she knows the name but she's not telling me which is kinda getting me annoyed but whatever I guess? I have been looking for apartments and I think I found the perfect one so today I'll show Jenna and her parents to see if they like it. Me and Jenna also went baby shopping alone together and we got some cute baby clothes for our little girl. We also decided that Jenna will be mommy and I'll be mama.
(Time skip)
Alright well I gave Jenna the sugar cookies and the kompot and showed her the apartment and she loved it. I also showed her parents and they also loved the apartment so I think we'll probably get that apartment.

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(Time skip again I'm sorry🥲)
I'm going back to my house right now...I can't stop thinking about Jen...I'm still in love with her and I'll do anything but she hasn't told me...


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