Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. Why is my phone always ringing? I can't get a second to myself. In a haze, I reach for my phone, which is resting on the nightstand, and put it to my ear.

"Yes?" I ask, clicking the green answer button.

"Damon Merrari."

"Who is this? What do you want?" I ask.

"This is K Beauty." The woman on the other end of the phone doesn't elaborate.

"Am I supposed to know who you are or...?" Too tired to deal with this, I almost take the phone away from my ear and hang up but she says something that catches my attention before I can.

"Yes. K Beauty is the company that provides your races with flag girls, models, cleaning crew... did I jerk your memory, sir?"

"Mm, what do you want?"

"We have a new model on her way. She'll arrive tonight."

"I don't care," I say, annoyed this conversation is still going.

"But sir, this is relevant to you because she's going to need your help to get situated."

"Well she won't get it," I laugh. "I never said I would do tha—"

"You signed a paper for it, Mr. Merrari." Sh*t. I did. I wasn't listening, I just did it. "Maybe this will teach you not to sign just anything anyone brings your way."

"Shut up," I growl, rolling onto my back. The woman beside me shuffles, then I realize she's awake. She smirks at me and disappears under the covers.

I don't need to see her to know what she's doing when I feel a wet sensation on my d*ck.

"We'd like you to meet her at XXXXX tonight at around ten, so be there at eight. There will be other people there to help her but—"

"Can you just text me the information?" I groan as the girl under my covers takes all of me in.

There's silence on the other line.

"Yes. Thank you for your coopera—" I hang up before she can finish her sentence, too distracted by the wonderful feeling this woman is causing me.

"Your freaky," I laugh, astonished by this girl. She only bobs her head up and down harder in response. I groan and catch myself moving my hands to her head, when they get there, I grab a fistful oof her hair and lean my head back.

This is nice.


"I have to go to the car garage," I say to myself. The girl and I are both under the covers, completely naked, again.

"Please don't leave me," the girl says, pouting out her lip. "I'll be so lonely." She runs her soft hand over my bare arm, feeling my muscles while she does so.

"You'll have until twelve to be out of here," I tell her with a sigh as I get out of the bed and pull my clothes back on.

"Wha-?" She stops herself. "You don't want my number or—?"

"No," I say, regretting my words the second they come out of my mouth. "I can't afford to have a distraction like you. Don't get me wrong, your great, but I just... I can't manage both racing and a relationship."

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