Chapter 11

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"Nice race, Merari," Rooney says, clapping as he approaches my car. "Impressive."

"I don't need your validation." I roll my eyes. 

"Touchy, touchy," he says, laughing. "Did someone not get their daily nap?"

"Rooney, I'm really not in the mood."Racing drains every bit of energy I have. To be the best, I have to put my all into everything even if I don't think I need to.

"If you race like that when I race you, I might just have a challenge." He pats my shoulder before walking away.

"Rooney!" I call after him, he ignores me.

"What was that about?" Eli asks me once he reaches me. He's covered in... grease?

"Have you been working on a car?" I ask him.

He smiles childishly, as if he's been caught doing something bad. "I promise I was paying attention during your race, the team made sure of that, we just had a malfunction I had to fix."

"A malfunction?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "We shouldn't be having malfunctions, what happened?"

"One of the cars we brought, a backup, the sump pump exploded. Nothing I couldn't fix quickly."

"Is the hood okay? Did it mess up the alignment?" I ask.

"No, no. I fixed everything. Don't get your panties in a twist, okay miss?"

"Shut the h*ll up, a*shole."

"You calling me an a*shole?" He laughs. "Yeah right."

"Boys!" Eli and I both turn our heads to watch our coach make his way over. "We have some things to go over before you're allowed to leave."

"You're joking, right?" I ask. "Just because I'm on your team doesn't give you the right to take all my time. We have plans."

"Stop being a b*tch, Merari," my coach orders. "It'll only take a second. And you better stop talking to me like I'm your subordinate. I am your coach, I take the time I want, get over it or leave."

"I'll leave," I bluff. "Anyone here will take me. You'll lose all the money you make and be a nobody again, is that what you want?" I ask.

"Damon," Eli warns. "Let's just go with him, okay? Don't cause a big thing. You know he likes to go over your races, it only takes a second."

"Whatever," I say, following them when they start to walk away.


Once coach was done flapping his gums about my racing, Eli and I went to his car.

"I'll drive," I say. "I don't trust you." I get in the drivers side and wait for Eli to get on the passenger side. Once he's in, he makes a big show of buckling his seatbelt and holding onto the door handle.

"You don't trust me!?" Eli asks wide eyed. "That's funny, Damon. Why don't you go the speed limit this time?"

I laugh, putting the car in reverse and hitting the gas. A squeal escaped Eli and it just makes everything worse, once I am out of the parking lot, I fly down the street, swerving in and out of traffic,  dodging incoming cars and going at least a hundred over the speed limit.

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