Chapter 7

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Everything feels like a dream. I'm not used to the good let alone hot food that I was getting. The flight attendants are nice enough, though the body guard I have been sent could be a bit kinder. But how they act won't affect me. I am over the moon.

I will probably be this way for the rest of my life, I haven't even gotten a proper taste of freedom yet but I still feel as happy as I've ever been in my life. A tinge of shame wipes over me while I think of my brother, Cooper. He's all alone in that house, with our parents.

I take out my phone and stare at his contact, the only contact I have in my phone. I clicked his profile and hovered my finger over the call button before pulling it back just in time to not call him.

I told him I'd call him when I landed, just a few more hours...

As I start to tuck my phone away, it starts shaking and ringing violently. That can't be normal. I pull it back to my face and stare at the number calling. Unknown.

"Hello?" I ask, answering the phone even though everything inside of me was screaming for me not to. Screaming for me to turn the phone off and pretend I never saw the call.

"Miss Diamond."

Not my mother.

Not my father.

"Y-yes," I choke out, relieved.

"You are scheduled to land at ten, is that right?" She asks, I hear papers shuffling in the background of her end of the call.

"Yes ma'am," I say. "Nine thirty to ten is my estimated arrival time."

"Don't call me ma'am, sweetheart, it makes me feel old. Call me Vanessa." I imagine her smiling kindly. "I'm from K-Beauty. I just wanted you to be aware of what is coming your way when you arrive."

"O-okay. Thank you."

"My pleasure. So, let's get down to business shall we?"

I nod into the phone before remembering she can't see me. "Yes," I say, correcting my action.

"Okay, when you arrive there should be four body guards to escort you to a show tonight—"

My jaw dropped at the number. Four. Then, I realized four of what, bodyguards. Does she think I'll get kidnapped? Is New York too unsafe? What will happen when I bring Coop here?

"—Two drivers, since I already know one won't show up," I practically hear her rolling her eyes. "He will drive you to the show with your bodyguards. There will be a makeup team, outfit team, a walking team. I'm sure you won't need much instruction on how to walk but you can never be too safe, sweetheart."

"Okay," I say, stopping myself from nodding. "What kind of show is this, if I may ask? I've never done anything like this before."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I know you haven't, that's why I'm taking this slowly."


This is what she called 'slowly'? I wonder what she calls quickly.

"T-thank you?"

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