Chapter 19

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"Yeah, Damon won again," I overhear a girl in the changing rooms once the show is over saying.

"What I wouldn't do to get in his pants," another chimes in, her tone light and full of lust. "He'd do me right."

"Are you serious? The dudes an a*shole." That was Claire's voice. "Seriously, he never has anything nice to say. Ever."

"He doesn't need to be nice to me in bed," the other girl said in a flirtatious tone. "I'm fine with degrading."

I decide to walk in after a few moments of silence fills the changing room. As I open the door the creak it makes is loud and brings all the attention to me. The girls, including Claire, watch me enter causing me to blush in embarrassment.

"Angela," Claire smiles as I sit at the vanity beside hers. "You did amazing. Everyone was in awe."

I blush at her comment. "So did you," I choke out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

One of the girls Claire was talking to before walks across the room and sits at the vanity beside mine. She sits facing me and when I turn to look at her, confused and a little creeped out, she smiles.

"I heard you've slept with Damon," she says.

I choke on air.

"Really?" Claire glares at the girl. "I thought we were done with this, Alice."

"What? I want to know what it's like."

"Because you'll never experience it."

"Har har, Claire."

"I'm not joking," Claire mumbles in my ear.

"So? How was it, Angela?"

"I..." the other girl in the room crosses it and stands beside Alice. "I never slept with him," I say, blushing furiously.

"What?" Everyone, even Claire, gasps.

"You had the chance to have sex with a hot guy and you rejected him?"

"Uh, I.."

"I mean, I have a good amount of admiration for you. My legs would be spread for him the second he asked." Alice shrugs.

"That's disgusting, Alice," Claire interjects.

Alice shrugs again.

Before anyone can say anything else, Damon bursts through the door. Several bodyguards are behind him, trying to stop him from coming in the girls changing rooms but they're too weak to do much.

"I need to talk to Claire," Damon says, completely dismissing the other girls in the room. Completely ignoring the fact that he's kicking us out of our own changing rooms. When no one moves, Damon gets meaner. "Get out," he demands.

Alice and the other model share a look before shrugging and making their way out but not before they tell him of how huge of fans they are. He rolls his eyes at them and I can see he wishes they would just leave. Once their gone, his gaze falls to me and I see something different in his eyes, something unfamiliar to me.

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