chapter 6

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(to all the readers sorry it took some time the thing was ramadan started so i was busy fasting and since my final exams were over my class also changes and my friends were leaving the school so we had a farewell party but now i have the time to continue thanks for waiting and now ladies and gentlemen i present to you chapter 6)


As i was leaving the hybe building i kick some snow in frustration as i say "This is life it's never fair to anyone" then i try to kick the snow again but ends up falling backwards until someone catches me by the waist, when i look up to see who it was i see yeonjun, "Is this a k-drama?" i whisper to myself "If it was then i hope we are enjoying our honeymoon at the end of it" yeonjun says with the most cheesy smile there could possibly be and for some reason i liked it i think my crush on yeonjun was coming back, suddenly after realising what he had said to me i start to blink my eyes awkwardly as i slap him, crap i just slapped my idol!


I was walking out of the hybe building while thinking of ways to annoy crystal i think i had fallen for her but i couldn't let her know so instead i flirt with her but i guess she takes it in the wrong way, but instead of falling out of love i fall more into love with her anyway as i was at the entrance of hybe i see crystal and she was about to fall so i rush to her and grab her waist i guess she didn't take it well because she slapped me after maybe because of what i said but it wasn't my fault she is the one who started it by saying that me saving her was to k-drama(ish) well i don't think my saving was any use because i guess she already hit her head.

I look at my right side and smirk as i touch the cheek she slapped as she shouts at me then i suddenly look at her with my puppy eyes and frown as i say "If you hate me then just say it, if you hated my existence then you shouldn't have dropped me off to the dorms nor protect me from that bastard. But then again it's my fault for ever dropping my mask accidentally or asking for a ride back it was my fault and it will always be my fault, but i'm sorry the board has voted me to be in your group and you to be added into my group but don't worry i'll leave the groups and your life like i should've" ok now i understand why i get most of the rap parts in txt songs but on the serious note i think i had fallen too hard for her to say those things and do those things for her.

i turn back not listening to anything she said because seeing how cold she acted with me and because she had a idol career to manage so even if we were to date she would get so much hate  i could hear her crying but i stopped myself from going to her so that she doesn't feel more bad for what happened, 


"I shouldn't  have slapped him i blame myself for what happened" i tell myself trying to comfort myself, the one reason i ever even liked kpop was now blaming himself for my coldness what was i supposed to do, i haven't cried so much since forever he was my first love, my first bias in a kpop group, first guy to steal my heart, and first guy who instead of hurting me he cured my depression and i do this to him "I'm back!" soha says to alert me "I brought your favorite vanilla ice cream" soha says trying to find me i quickly wash my face and pretend like nothing happened so that soha doesn't worry 

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