Chapter 28

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"So you guys want to know why you guys didn't go for shooting today?" Soha asks and we all nod in agreement "Today we were supposed to finish our M/V shooting" I say "Well we've been invited to a Japanese event, with cosplay, games and more, there will be more K-pop group besides us" Soha says "What about the shooting?" I ask "what about it?" Soha asks "We're supposed to be finished with half of it by now but that keeps delaying" I say then Aria walks in with a black hoodie she had her hand behind her back, she a very stern face as if she could kill you by just looking at you, she wasn't talking much and had her head down "Very good job Aria Aslam" Soha sarcastically says while clapping her hands "I gave you the day off to take a break because you were having back pain, and you use that day off to buy fish!" Soha says, yelling the last part "Ahem, It doesn't hurt much" Aria says calmly and a bit sternly too, then she takes her headphones and starts playing Mortal Kombat "Aria Aslam! Just because you have heat packs on doesn't mean you're okay!" Soha yells but Aria just ignores her and continues to play her game, then she wins the match and turns Off her PC, she takes her headphones off and keeps them on her neck "I don't accept the offer to the Japanese event, let's go for shooting now" Aria says as she puts her headphones down next to her PC and getting up to go change, Soha scoffs " The chairman said we have to go" Soha says then Aria stops in her tracks "Fine," Aria says then she turns back "What are you guys doing, still here? chop chop go get changed" Aria yells in a annoyed way.


"DanDan Dan Da~ I got us coffe, drink up today is going to be tiring" Soha says as she puts the bags of coffee down, me and Yeonjun were the last ones to get our makeup done and the others were watching their phones "Kai-ssi can you pass me my coffee" I ask Heuning Kai "Sure, you can call me Kai or Hyuka, I'm not really used to 'ssi' my sisters call me Oppa so you can call me that also" Heuning Kai I just nod as an okay,

After I take my first sip of coffee a bunch of fans walk in "There's yeonstal!" A fans yells as they rush into a line on Yeonjun's side and start asking for autographs and pictures together then the fans come to me asking for autographs and pictures "I don't give out autographs so let's take pictures only?" I say and the fans agree, after taking pictures with some fans, a girl comes up to me with about four notebooks, already signed by Yeonjun "Sign here, here, here and here" the girl says handing me the notebooks "Sorry, I don't do autographs" I say "Okay and?" The girl says "I can't sign it,I don't want to" I say "Do you know who I am" the girl says "No and I don't need to know to tell you that I won't be signing it" I say then she scoffs "Just do it!" The girl yells, Soha was out of the room so I couldn't even call her so I just wrote random things in the notebooks and pretended as if I'm signing them, then I closed each book so she doesn't see what I wrote, "There done now please leave and give me peace" I say "See now was that hard?" The girl says taking the notebooks I just gave a sarcastic smile and nodded looking at her.

After the first round of fans, another round of fans enter and after a few of those fans the same girl comes with new notebooks "Sign here here and here, properly" she says and I just repeat what I did before then after the fans from the second round finish the third round of fans came and the same girl came again "Are you having fun asking me and Yeonjun to keep on signing notebooks" I yell at the girl, then Soha comes in "I was talking to soobin on the u need help with anything guys?" Soha says "Jagiya can you do your job and take this girl out" I say in a stern tone "Okay but why?" Soha asks "This is the third time this girl has come to me and Yeonjun with her and her friend's notebooks to sign and we have other fans waiting" I say "Ma'am can you please leave, or should I call the security" Soha says and she just leaves "Good job, this is how entitled rich spoilt daddy's girls should be treated" my makeup artist says "It's not about her being rich, it's just that she was getting on my nerves just like you are for not putting my eyeliner right" I say "So... sorry" my makeup artist says and quickly fixes the eyeliner.

After the third round of fans we finally get to relax our hands "Hey what is Yeonstal?" I ask as I tilt my Head back "Your ship name with Yeonjun, I'm surprised you don't know" Soha says as she tries to hold her laugh "What! Why does Yeonjun and I have a ship name, what other members do I have ship names with" i yell "Just Yeonjun, you've been seen with him the most and you guys look the cute together plus you mentioned in an interview that you had a crush on Yeonjun for two years" Soha says as she chuckles I look at him awkwardly then Soha gets a call so she goes to answer it.

After a while Soha comes back with the same girl who we sent out a few minutes ago "This is your activities for today" the girl says coldly then she hands me a schedule "Piggy back race! The members will have to race with female contestants on their back!" I read and look at her "Where did the time go when male and female interaction was very low in K-pop due to rumours!" I yell "It's 2030 get over it" the girl says "We are about to have a comeback and we've been working our butts off, we don't have the strength to do these kind of activities" I say "Then I'll just post about how lazy TXT is, they can't even give girls piggy back rides for a simple race" the girl says "Are you threatening us!" I ask "Whose threatening you!" The girl yells as she pushes me "We can sort this out without violence" Heuning Kai says as he tries to pull us apart "What violence!" The girl yells as she pushes Hyuka "Agh!" Hyuka yells in pain as he holds onto his ankle, Beomgyu and Taehyun helps him up "What do you mean by what violence, you literally pushed me and Kai!" I yell then Yeonjun takes me a little away from her then Soha and Soobin hold onto me while two of the girl's minions hold onto her so nothing happens but she pushes them off and tried to slap me but Yeonjun catches her hand mid way in the air "Are you done? And is this fun?" Yeonjun sternly says as he throws her hand back "You, and You will pay" the girl says as she leaves with her minions following "Stay here and think of what you have done" Yeonjun says to me as he leaves with the other members following, and I just sit on the couch near me thinking about what just happened.


"And Yeonjun wins this round!" The commentary speaker says as me and Kai get off the stage "Did you get the video?" I ask Soobin "Yep, but why did you need the video of our ankles" Soobin asks "Can't say much now, but you say I'm avenging our two maknaes" I say coldly as the speaker calls him and Beomgyu up for the race and I get my camera ready.

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