England X Reader; Mr. Gorgeous

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You stood there, in the rain, waiting for your bus. Unfortunatly you were late for work- again. The rain poured down over your head as you stood in front of the bus stop.
Things like this always happened; your car breaking down, bad traffic, bus being late, etc.
You worked as a teacher for Gakuen Academy, a school for 'the elite' and 'important' children.
If you didn't have a student teacher there every day, you would be fired from your job as a history teacher. Luckily for you, though, your best friend, (f/n) had taken up teaching and worked in your classroom with you (what are the odds XD.)
Finally, the bus appeared, stopping right in front of your soaked figure. You sigh thankfully and board, waving to the bus driver. "'Hello again, Ms. _____." He smiles at you and begins driving, knowing the destination due to you using his bus countless times.
About five minutes pass when you finally reach the school, approximately 20 minutes late. Your (H/l)(H/C) hair is dripping and your (f/c) jacket was soaked. You sign into the school, earning a 'tsk' from the front-desk-lady. "It's nice to see you, too, (R/N)" You mutter to the woman. She snorts and waves you off.
You walk past classroom upon classroom, finally reaching yours. "Hey ____!" (F/N) greets you from her desk. "Did you give everyone their bellwork?" You blink your (E/C) eyes at (F/N) expectantly. "Yes, and..." She looks you up and down, "Do you need a minute to dry yourself off?" She gestures towards your clothes with an amused expression. "No." You squeeze out some of the water in your hair and pat down your coat. "I think im good." You pull off your coat to reveal a dry (f/c) blouse. "Oh, and by the way, ____, Mr. Kirkland, or to you, Mr. Gorgeous wanted to speak with you in the library." (F/N) winks at you.
You blush. "I- er- shut it!"
A few of the students giggle and snicker, obviously having heard your conversation with (f/n).
"Now the kids are gonna spread this around ;~;" you wimper.
"Spread what around?" You spin around, greeted by the librarian. "O-oh, hi Arthur." Your eye twitches as one of the students tap your arm, passing you a folded peice of paper. Arthur stares at you as you open the paper. 'Go get some Ms. _____ ;)'
You crumble the note furiously and chuck it in a trash can. "No passing notes in class!" You blush at your classroom.
Arthur widens his eyes in surprise, fixing his reading glasses.
He scratches his neck in embarrassment.
"____? Could we speak in the library? Unless you need to take care of your class." He opens the door slightly, ready to walk out. You shake your hand. "No, no, we can talk." You follow him out, casting a glare at your students before walking out.
You walk through the long hallway and enter the somewhat empty library. You follow Arthur to his desk, peeking at books as you walk through. "So _____," Arthur sits on his desk, taking a cup of what smelled like earl grey. "I've been thinking recently." He puts down the tea-cup. "One of the students informed me of something last week." His expression turns into an amused smirk and your face turns pale. 'Good lord, what did the child do!?'
"So my nickname is Mr. Gorgeous?" Arthur chuckles and fixes his glasses. You feel sweat form on your hands. "Ahaha, oh, um, about that-" A pair of arms wrapp around your waist, pulling you closer to Arthur. You look up at him, seeing him remove his glasses. "So you find me attractive, love?" Your face flushes as the blonde places his lips on yours. Your eyes widen for a bit until you kiss back, placing your hands around his neck. The kiss deepens and lasts until the both of you need air. Arhur kisses your forehead. You grin at your feet stupidly, but your grin dissapears when Arthur taps your shoulder. "Looks like we have an audience." Arthur fixes his tie and chuckles nervously. "It might be better if you-we return to our jobs." He smiles at you. "See you later ____, and don't be late, love." He kisses your cheek and walks away to the bookcases. You turn around and see your entire class, as well as (f/n), peeking through the windows to the library. "Oh-"

------------- 25 minutes ago------- (f/n)'s pov

(F/n) watches as ____ walks out with Arthur. She waits until both exit before she turns to face the classroom. "Ok kids, who wants to take a field trip to the library?"


Ok, so how was that?
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