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You lost counts of how many days have passed ever since you spoke to Livia.

All you wish to do is take your son and leave here.

Octavian visits everyday to only mock and taunt you with his words.

You and Julia became close, as you enjoy listening to her love adventure with boys, and her determination to get out of her father's shadow.

Even though Julia looks like her father, that never bothered you.

It only made you wonder why Augustus isn't like that? Why is he a walking demon?

While you write down on the papyrus all that happened to you, in hopes that this scroll be found.

Of course you left the reincarnation out.

But you made sure to demonize Caeser as much as you can.

As you were about to finish writing the last line, someone enters your chamber.

It's Kareem.

"What are you doing? How did you even get in here?"

Your friend looks at you, and smiles.

"I bribed the guards"

You were taken aback by Kareem's reply, as you had no idea he would resort to such desperate measures to gain access to you.

"I guess you Jews are good at making deals"

"I suppose so, but that's not why I'm here for, dear pharaoh"

His answer only made your frown deepen as you began to wander his true motives for visiting you.

"Why have you come here?" You asked, trying my best to remain calm.

Kareem smiled again and walked over to you, stopping before you.

"I came here to take you and leave, as I told you before I know a spell to return back to our timeline"

"What about my son?"

"He can come with us, but how will you explain to your parents that you have a child out of the wedlock"

"None of your business"

Kareem grits his teeth at your dry behavior with him, but he sighs and shakes his head.

"Is that how you talk to the man who has the power to save your life, and get you and your son to a better place?"

This time, you get annoyed by his words, and roll your eyes. You don't care about the man's power.

You're desperate to leave this place and start a new life with Narmer.

"What? Do you want me to kiss you or something, get this over with"


It took everything in your power to listen to Kareem and throw yourself with your son in the mediterranean sea.

Kareem jumped directly after you after enchanting the spell.

However, everything went well and you managed to return to your timeline.

Even if Narmer found some difficulty adapting to his new environment, but he enjoys it.

Things are going well for you as well, you got the chance to work on more discoveries.

Also you know where Cleopatra's tomb is but you didn't tell anyone.

After all, no on wants to see their mother's dead body shown at the museum.

Right now, you are waiting to start the interview held by many forgien and national news  for the new mummy discovery.

When the press conference starts, you get on the stand and begin answering questions.

However a familiar voice stops you, as you look in the audience to see the familiar face of Octavian.

He is well dressed in modern clothes, his haircut made him almost unorganizable.

But that isn't what caught your attention.

No, what caught your attention, is the little boy he is holding on his arm.


"There are rumors surrounding that princess (Y/n)'s body is found near Abu abu simbel, I want to confirm if it is true or not"

The audience is surprised how this average man even got in considering that he isn't even a reporter, yet you answer.

"Pharaoh (Y/n)" you correct him and continue.

"Has escaped with her son, up till this day we don't know about their bodies whereabouts"

Once the press conference ends, you chase after Octavian.

"Ahmose" you exclaim as you hug the little boy tightly as he hugs you back.

Octavian only smiles at the interaction.

You turn around to face him with wide eyes.

"How?" You inquire, forgetting about the past conflicts.

"I will tell you about everything, but on one condition" Octavian says, putting up one his index finger.

"What is it?"

"Join me for pizza tonight, and don't forget to bring Narmer with you"

A/n: this is the last chapter, thank you for the support ❤️❤️❤️

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