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(I'm really sorry for the wrong use of words I might've used in this story as I write and for the grammatical errors I didn't notice)

(This story's cover isn't mine, credits to the real owner)

(Please don't let the first chapters change your mind and at least try to give me a chance and continue reading! I promise, I would try my best to make it worth it for those who're reading this and planning to read this story)

(I've already done some revisions!)



I can hear my alarm clock still ringing right now, I already snoozed it 4 times. Wait,

It's my first day of school?!

"Fuck" I murmured after realizing, it's so damn annoying. It's already 6:30 am, and class starts at 7. My new school is not that far from my house. Well, I'm still problematic about being late since I always get ready more than an hour.

I immediately got up with my back aching "Mom!" I shouted.

"Yes?, darling, what's wrong?" My mother quickly responded back like she was shouting too.

"I slept too much mom, I'll be late! Where are my uniforms you ironed?" I said as I searched for my uniform inside my closet since I didn't find it hanging.

"Dear, it's Sunday, have you forgotten?"

"Wha-? How on earth? Then why did my alarm rang? I set it only on weekdays yesterday." I said while I lower my voice. I immediately checked if I actually did, I remembered I set it when I was almost asleep.

"Oh, I set it on everyday."


"Scarlett! Get down here, I've already finished cooking breakfast! I cooked for you since you're already awake."

"I'll be there mom!!" I responded back at my mother as I was still laying on my bed feeling annoyed.

I went down stairs slowly, well, I'm still lazy as hell to even move a single muscle. I then walked towards our table and sat.

"Woah, beef and eggs. Wait, why are you getting ready? Isn't it Sunday as you said?" I said as I was having a wondering look.

"Yes dear, it's supposed to be my off but my boss assigned me to take care of his company while he's away."

"Oh is that so." I coldly said as I nodded.

"Yes darling, I need to get going already. I'm already late, probably. Bye, dear! Love you!"

"Love you too mom! Be safe."
I sighed.

Hello everyone! My name is Scarlett, 17 years old. I'm an only child, well honestly, my older brother died when I was just 3 years old. I live in a broken family, all I honestly have in my family right now was my mom and her name is Celeste. My mom and dad divorced when I was 11, because of dad having an affair with another woman that my mom knew.

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