Chapter 19

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7:36 a.m

(Third person)

"I fucking loved him, AND HE DID ME LIKE THAT?" Amelia told her friend beside her (Mila) as her tears were dripping down her eyes to her cheeks.

"Shh... it's not your fault sis, lower your voice down. You're hella drunk right now." Mila responded as she made Amelia lean to her shoulder. She then grabbed the alcohol they were drinking and gulped straight to the bottle, not caring about her own glass.

"Hey..." Clara cautiously told the drinking girl weakly. "Wipe your saliva out of that bottle, I'm still drinking that"

"Shush.." Mila said as she smirked. "You're talking like that as if you haven't drank one of my drinks with my saliva on it."

"THE FUCK? YOU FUCKING SPIT IN YOUR DRINKS?" Clara said as she made a disgusted face.

"what? NO? I mean when I'm drinking it y'know? You'll get it too, just shut up right now."

The ongoing sad song Scarlett was singing still made the girl leaning on Mila cry her heart out. Scarlett could literally burst right now in laughter as she knows her friends were really unsober. At the moment, Scarlett only had two to three glasses while her friends kept doing bottoms up. While Scarlett was trying to distract herself from laughing at her friends,

"Wait no shit, my stomach hurts.." Clara said as she rubs her belly. "I'm about to throw up, oh.." Clara leaned her head down to the table feeling the real need to throw up.

Amelia wiped her tears from her eyes and cheeks as she screamed to Scarlett, "BITCH"

Scarlett immediately turned her head, hearing her crying friend shouted a word. She got surprised as soon as she gave the girl a sight 'cause Amelia was looking at her, she began roaming her eyes around her friends. Scarlett immediately saw her getting really sleepy or rather tired friend, Clara.

"Go help her! She's about to throw up!" Amelia shouted again as she pointed a finger to Clara. That statement made Scarlett shocked that she started laughing as she stood up to approach the weak drunk girl.

"Sis let's go, I'm too lazy to clean a mess." Scarlett told the drunk girl as she helped her stand up. Walking towards the restroom with the not so heavy drunk girl was really difficult for Scarlett. Each step they made, Scarlett kept hearing the other girl's vomit about to actually escape her mouth.

As soon as they arrived at the restroom, Scarlett felt Clara pushed her away from her hold and ran towards one of the toilet rooms and slammed its door shut. That action made by the drunk girl made Scarlett shocked but she guessed that she really need to vomit. Immediately, Scarlett heard Clara grunt and vomit every single liquid she had to throw up. That made Scarlett disgusted and so she said to the vomiting girl, "I'll be waiting for you outside."

Moments went by and the drunk girl finally finished and fixed herself up. The girl is still tipsy and is noticeably really sleepy.

"You should know your limits when it comes to alcohol from now on sis." Scarlett commented to the tired girl

Clara nodded her head and responded "yeah."

They began walking to the two other drunk girls that is already asleep. Once Clara noticed her two other friends, she immediately joined sleeping with them that made them look like they're having a sleepover and one owns the house. That made everything felt awkward for Scarlett for she's the only sobered friend among them.

"Y'all should be thankful for me after this."


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