Chapter 12

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Another day passed by, I couldn't forget how much I cried with my mother last night below the astonishing moon. Thanks to my father, those tears were released unbearably. How I wish my parents never met, even if I wouldn't get the chance to live, just for the sake of my mother.

Back then, he indeed was a sweet husband to my mother and the most loving father but things changed. That damn mistress seduced him and changed his mind and views about everything and he became a toxic partner and father. He started to violate my mother and I as his excuse us being  such a disappointment and we piss him off.

And then the time came when I was 11 years old, my father came barging in the house being so upset while me and my mother were just comfortable of ourselves sitting on the couch bonding. He was holding pieces of probably divorce papers then. I remembered when my mother kept refusing and my dad's anger grew, he grabbed my mother's hair that felt like it hurt so much. I was frozen on my spot, I didn't know what to do at those moments.

Because of the declination of my mother, my father began to hardly clench his fist and made it land on my mother's face and body. I immediately started crying that caught up my father's attention.

"You're so fucking annoying, shut the fuck up you damn kid" was the words I could recall when he heard me crying. All I could remember by those moments was my father took his belt out of his pants and hit me so hard with it that made my skin bleed.

My mother was trying to release the grip of my father's 'mistress' to save me from my father but it was difficult to do so. I cried my heart out and so did my mother while my father's mistress was looking at us laughing as she said  "pathetic."

My father, Eric, tried to force my mother again offering her a pen. "Sign that damn paper you piece of shit. I don't want to have you as my wife anymore." as he began to hold a grip again on my mother's precious hair.

My mother finally held the pen as her hand was shaking terribly from the pain physically and mentally, it seems like signing that damn paper was the thing that hurt my mother the most.

I still can't believe how my mother could still feel love for that damn man, it's obvious.

After my father got what he wanted, he let go of my mother's hair, slowly stood up and walked to the door about to exit "Don't even try to reach out to me, Celeste." Being my father's last words to my mother.

Ever since that day, I hated my father more than anyone could ever imagine. No matter how many great memories he gave us, he still deserves to fucking suffer. I don't care if he's my father, he didn't even care that my mother was his wife and I was his daughter.

I changed so much after my father did that, they said. I hate my damn father.


It was Sunday today.

I was walking around with my dog, Leo, at the park because I was craving for relaxation and to breathe fresh air during sunrise after what happened last night. My chest still hurts. I was wearing a comfortable outfit with a black hat.

I sat down at a bench for quite a while to relax my body after standing for a while and my dog started barking at me gesturing he was hungry.

"My boy's hungry? I don't have your treats here, Leo." I baby talked to Leo, it's one of my best habits. "Do you wanna return home already?"

My dog barked again wagging his tail as if he understands me, it's so cool talking to animals. I stood up again to stretch my body and it was a hell of the best stretch experience I had. Before returning home, I got myself vanilla ice cream from a nearby vendor. Vanilla's one of my favorites.

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