Chapter 20

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Scarlett slowly opened her eyes as she woke up. Her sight was very blurry. And so, she tried rubbing her eyes and blinked a couple of times to clearly see again.

It was bright outside, Scarlett noticed but the sun hadn't risen in the sky yet. She was still lying on her best friend's sofa in their living room. She made her eyes roam around and her sight first landed to her two other best friends laying with her on the sofa. They were still dreaming heavily and still drowned with the sofa's comfortable surface.

She tried to stretch her body while still lying down, after that she grabbed her phone beside her but it was shut down, indicating it doesn't have any battery life. That made Scarlett groan in annoyance and shut her eyes again.

Minutes went by that her eyes were closed, her stomach started growling, telling her she was starving. She didn't want to wake her friends up, especially Amelia upstairs. It would seem like she's shameless, and she doesn't want Amelia's parents to think that, so she waited and waited there until one of them declared/asked that they're hungry or someone will make breakfast.

Couple of minutes again passed then, her stomach started to hurt. It was such a hellish thing to go through. But, several footsteps came from the staircase, someone was awake. Scarlett tried her best to pretend she was asleep but her stomach want to fail her.

When the person finally got down to the living room, Scarlett heard that person yawned, and she sensed that that person was a woman. Scarlett again heard that woman's footsteps, heading to the kitchen. Relief was felt by Scarlett when she heard that, 'cause, kitchen - cooking? Then finally, eating?

When the woman finally arrived at the kitchen, she grabbed the unwashed pan and spatula on the sink and opened the faucet to let the water run. That woman washed the certain things she grabbed and when she was finally done, she quickly rinsed it with water and put the pan on the stove. Those things that Scarlett heard made her stomach produce more noise, she literally just hopes that that woman in the kitchen can't hear those growls.

The woman opened the stove and let the pan heat up. Scarlett heard the woman pour oil into the pan, crack eggs and there's this thing she doesn't know was the woman frying too.

"Fuck.." Scarlett said under her breath as she felt her stomach still hurting and hearing it constantly being noisy, as if it was shouting but quite quiet.

Moments went by and Scarlett heard the woman grabbing out some plates and some spoon and fork. Miraculously, her stomach somehow stopped growling but she's still starving, like to death by now.

Scarlett again heard that woman's footsteps and it was slowly getting closer and closer to her, to her friends laying on the sofa. When the woman finally got to the sofa, Scarlett felt several gentle taps on her shoulder.

"Hey, Scarlett." The voice seemed like an older woman, it was low toned and husky, motherly like. Scarlett immediately opened her eyes and saw Amelia's mother. "Breakfast is ready, let's eat? Wake your other friends too. I'll wake Amelia upstairs." Those words made Scarlett nod her head and look at her friends.

When she was about to slowly shake the shoulders of Mila and Clara, Amelia's mother was already heading upstairs.

"Hey? Wake up. Breakfast is ready." I gently told the two and I heard Clara softly grunt.

"Give me a minute." Clara sleepily told the so called girl waking her up while her eyes were still shut.

"Yeah, me too." The girl beside clara agreed to the girl refusing to get up.

"Let's see if y'all would still say that if there's no more breakfast for the both of you." Scarlett gave up from trying to get them up and just stood up from the sofa and walked towards the dining table.

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