Chapter 9

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Scarlett's POV

Confusion is consuming my head, is this really happening? I kept asking myself on my thoughts as I sat beside the student council. I can feel my heart beating so much as if it was jumping, Pauline was literally beside me!

At the moment, I chose to sit next to the glass-like wall on my right with the president on my left. I felt the council's body more with meeting mine as she was trying to give Mila some space to sit beside her, I didn't mind at all. I tried to move my hand and free it from the close body contact but I was stopped by the woman's skin beside me, I didn't intend to move a muscle anymore until,

"So in conclusion, all of these happened 'cause Pauline wants to be friends with me?" I asked as sweetly as possible for the woman beside me also to give assurance to my thoughts. I don't want to assume false but it's just that ever since she sat next to me, she keeps looking away from me as if she was really shy. As far as I know as well, if Pauline's intentions were really just friends, why is she acting like she's having an awkward-romantic moment with her crush? Riddle me those.

Does she feel the same as I do...? Does she get confused as I do...? I wanna know.

"Yes." A cold answer left the council's mouth. "If you don't mind, Scarlett. But it's still fine that you don't want to, I understand."

I had my head closer to the woman's face as she was looking at me "Don't worry about it. Remember? Just this day? I already accepted your offer, so it's alright." I gave Pauline a gentle smile after I tucked a strand of hair behind her hair before pulling away.

"I-I.. appreciate it. Thank you." The husky voice of hers tried to speak but ended up choking on her own saliva.


"Ms. Scarlett, what was that?" Amelia suddenly spoke during my conversation with the woman. She seemed shocked with her tone being serious..?

"Don't mistake it as a flirt, alright? 'cause it's not." I immediately responded knowing what's inside her head, I mean, the three of them's heads.

"Sis, you literally moved your head THAT close as if you were about to kiss her. Don't rush" Mila spoke disagreeing with my answer.

"I mean, it's not a flirt for me." I tried to answer. "I don't know."

"Slow down things with Pauline, sis. Be gentle to moments with her." Clara finally spoke after her long silence

"Yes. Noted." After my last answer, everyone began to silence themselves. I might've done the wrong thing, eh?


"Hey, Scarlett? Can I excuse you for a minute? I need to talk" A genuine voice came out of Pauline's mouth as she was looking at me.

I turned my head to my three other friends "go on sis, we'll be just right here." Amelia said, I nodded.

I returned my gaze to the woman asking me to talk "Sure, where?"

"Not that far from here" I noticed her finger pointing from a certain direction of a random black car. "Just beside my car, I'm about to return home. I just wanna tell you something before I leave."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Let's go?"



"So about earlier, I'm really sorry for my behavior. I was just really shy, especially after you did..." Pauline immediately talked as soon as we arrived at her car

"I'm really sorry about it. I purposely moved my head closer, not to intentionally kiss you but to see a clearer view of your face, also the reason why I tucked your hair." I sincerely apologized

"No need to apologize, Scarlett. I was just flustered, you really got me so shy.. I really thought you were about to kiss me.."

"Kiss you..?" I said

"I-I mean.. it's a wrong guess, wrong thought" I noticed how her words began to sound like she was panicking

"But do you really want me to...?" I asked. My question got the president looking at me with wide eyes and I immediately looked at her soft-looking pink lips.

"Don't do me like this, Scarlett. I'll just get going."

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry for my words."

"It's fine."

There she goes again with her coldness.

I turned my back and tried to return to where my friends were but before I could step a foot, I felt her hand grab my shoulder to face her again and,

felt a sweet kiss coming from the smaller woman's lips on my cheek.

"Wha-? Pauline?" I said with my eyes widened from the sudden action the woman just did. "What's with the sudden kiss?"

"That's my revenge, I guess" A smirk grew from the smaller woman's lips as her eyes were looking directly at me? or my lips?

I can feel my cheeks burning again. "I take it, someone wants to get kissed. This is a nice side of yours, expect my avenge for myself sooner, Ms. Pauline."

"Why don't you do it here then?" Pauline's voice began sounding like a teasing one. She noticed my face being serious "I was just kidding, I need to get going already." I saw her hands opening the door of her car

"Such a naughty girl" I chuckled afterwards. "Don't say such things that you won't take responsibility with."

"Oh, you really took what I said seriously. It's inappropriate to do it here, Scarlett. I was only fooling around. You need to return to your friends, they're probably wondering already."

"They won't be, I'm sure." I assured

"It's a goodbye already, Scarlett. I'm really sorry again for my behaviors today towards you. It feels so right to apologize" Her car's engine started

"Everything's fine for me. It's normal, Pauline. Goodbye."

Pauline nodded at my words and gave me a sweet smile.


Now what was that? So this day, I became friends with the girl I'm having confusions in my head. Today was planned, and she was acting up all shy. Exactly at this day as well, we flirted talking about kissing. She also kissed me on my cheek as a revenge for my unintentional 'flirt'. Crazy how many things can happen in just a day.

But I guess I should be happy too, set my confusions aside and go with the flow 'cause there's a progress already. I'm currently accepting that I might be homosexual because of Pauline. I must say, she literally got me giggling on my bed as soon as I returned home.

"What's with the wide smile today, sweetheart? Did something nice happen to you at school?" My mother interrupted my thoughts as she was already standing on my doorway while I was talking to Amelia on my phone.

"It's not that big of a deal mom but it really got me so happy" I have a genuine smile for stating that fact that got my mom so curious what's the actual reason why

"That's how I smile when I am your age whenever I have a romantic moment with your father, honey. Are you meeting someone already? I'm looking forward to meeting him if yes, my dear." My mother again remembered my father, I feel bad for reminding her. Pauline's just my 'friend' at the moment and she is not a he. How can I tell my mother that I'm almost at my conclusions that I'm homosexual?

"I don't have any romantic situations yet, mom. It's nothing" I said as sweetly as possible, kind of lying.

"If you say so, dear. I'm happy that you're enjoying your experiences in that school." My mother walked closer to me and I immediately got up on my lay to reciprocate the hug my mother was about to give. "Now let's go downstairs. Dinner is ready, waiting for you to eat it." We both chuckled.

"What's for dinner mom?"

"Your favorite dish" my mom had an assuring smile.

"Let's go already mom!"

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